From my experience in the car business turn over is high for several reasons:
From my experience in the car business turn over is high for several reasons:
No, Ryan Lochte is retiring from competition.
Not that the value of human life can be accurately measured, but the payment made was $61.8MM or over $213K per passenger. Also, the Vincennes crew made 10 separate attempts to hail Flight 655 and got no response. Keep in mind this is right after an Iranian gunboart fired warning shots at one of the Vincennes’…
I won’t comment about how easy it is to make such a mistake but I will say the Russians are pussies for not owning up to it. We sure as shit did immediately when the USS Vincennes shot down Iran Air 655.
Let’s all take a deep breath and enjoy the blissful calm before the Putin-bot shitstorm blows in.
I’ve since stopped calling the people who do this shit by their nationality and just call them asscunts. It’s simpler, stings worse, and doesn’t start a comments war.
Long haul trucking is low hanging fruit. As the article noted that these trucks spend most of their time on the highway, which is easier to navigate than city streets (I still would like to see how they would get a tractor-trailer to back into a truck dock, as mounting cameras on detachable trailers would be a…
Looks like he made it worse then.
Unique != good
Yeah... nice... giggle. That’s it...
This is cringe worthy even without the trailer/trailer loading.
Good thing it has that massive bed and tow rating to carry the owner’s pride back home.
“Paid off truck” good one. You mean time to roll my negative equity into the new loan! only 1.9% for 120 months!
I am a civil engineer and hang out with several USGS engineers. No one in my circle is disputing fracking causing earthquakes. We aren’t discussing whether Tesla is the Green future we need at this point. We were discussing why you can’t provide links to your argument, but can type out a 500 word response that rambles.
That is the amazing PT reflector belt. It not only makes you more visible during the early hours of PT, but also protects you from car accidents, bullets, STDs, and the flu. At least that’s what the military thinks of it. It’s the staple of military safety equipment.
Well, this is better than what I thought I was going to read. Here I thought the pistons were going to be rusted to the bores after sitting around in your garage for almost a year......
Have you ever had to try and help someone to stupid to help themselves? Imagine potty training a child. You show them all the steps, sit through it with them, and then when you think they’ve got it, you turn around for 10 seconds and they shit their pants. This is what it’s like dealing with stupid customers.
I worked at a Verizon corporate store for a few years after college and my manager there (who realllllly wasn’t a people person) frequently said that he’d gladly give up a month’s pay every year to be able to say whatever he wanted to customers for a day.
or you could not post it to not be a douche bag. two dipshits put together dont make a saint.