Did the new owners of Jalopnik not renew their contact with Tesla?
Did the new owners of Jalopnik not renew their contact with Tesla?
Your New York is showing.
Did you get PTSD? The NY Times might be interested in doing a story on it...
This is England so when I see the guns at Goodwood I wave at the chaps knowing they are holding nothing more than props.
Huh. We’re different people then. Anytime people dress up old timey and show big guns around, I get excited.
All I can say is thank CHRIST they penalized that one guy for jumping up and down after his team scored a touchdown. We need to keep that sort of behavior in check.
Huh? Even running backs can’t be hit in the head by another player using their helmets.
I’m pretty sure helmet-to-helmet hits aren’t supposed to be allowed against running backs either.
Thanks for stepping away from the gridiron for a few seconds to enlighten us, oh wise football sage. You fucking clown.
Because there’s no state tax, the weather is way better and you can drive whatever the hell you want.
but we still don’t know what the platform will do.
I’d pay $100 just to see Obama, for once, answer a question about one of these inane ‘controversies’ with the “Jesus, who the fuck CARES?” that it deserves.
No, I was using humor to highlight the fact that the way nature is “supposed to be” is very wrapped up in perspective.
When I’m in the tractor today, it’s already 90% autonomous when in-field. I’ve had great philosophical discussions (I’d call them debates if we disagreed) with other young tech-savvy farmers my age. We all agree, the number of sensors you’d need to add to replace an operator is astounding. We’re constantly on the…
“Was this motorcyclist right...” Just gonna stop the headline there. The answer is no. Was this motorcyclist right? Doesn’t matter what comes after that, the answer is no. The only way the answer could be yes is “Was this motorcyclist right when he gave up biking, bought a car, and started minding his own damn…
I was a wee lad and my mom’s friend announced that her new boyfriend drives a Ferrari, and that he was shortly coming over with the car. I got as sprung as a pre-teen could be. A Ferrari! Could I sit in it? Could I get a ride in it? Sure, why not, she promised.
We just saw a fantastic “potential” reality. Now here is what is actually gonna happen. Half of people will have self driving cars. Other half(there will always be those for a few hundred years I think) will drive in manual mode/have old rusty buckets.
Or one hacker with a lead foot to clear the fast lane by telling all the other autonomous cars that the fast lane is blocked.
Whoopie so it might be safer then the average car which is a shit box that is a 11 years old and its only this safe because the dudes wife was not in the car with him. If she was in the car I doubt very much you would be releasing the misleading stat on your companies twitter account.
See? This would have been an appropriate use of the word “terrifying”.