
I Have No Idea How Anyone Walked Away From This Massive Apache Helicopter Crash

As the owner of a 96 XJR. Buy it, they are great. People don’t know what happened when a Jag smokes them at stoplights.

Yup, motherfuckers will drag your shit onto the skid. Had it happen to me one night at work. I keep the car in 1st and the parking break on too. Luckily a coworker saw the flatbed leaving with my car on it. I ran out and managed to stop the idiot driver. Then the tow driver got an attitude because I was cursing at his


I have an RX7 steering wheel hanging on my wall. I picked it up at the junkyard, does that count?

Good article. Generally coupons are meant to get you to buy a name brand product you wouldn’t normally buy. Or in the case of Harbor Freight, just to get you into the store for that free flashlight.

Oh No! Think of the children!

The problem is driving onto post to go to Womack sucks. The roads on base are in terrible condition and the speed limit rarely exceeds 35 basewide.

It’s okay, kbb values my 96 XJR at $2600. But Nada gives it a low value of $5600. But being that they only made 6500 of these cars I think the Nada value is more accurate.

Who writes the titles here? Why is everything always ‘completely terrifying’? Why not just say suspenseful? Or nail biting?

The base golf course isn’t gonna pay for itself.

Well, that’s low bid contractors for you. Same problems the military has had with magazines made by crappy contractors.

I hate people that can’t fucking pass correctly on the interstate. Hurry up, pass on the left and get your ass back over. Do not spend 20 minutes passing a tractor trailer. Use your go pedal and get out the damn way.

I’m sorry, but anyone who pre-orders or puts a deposit down on something that does not exist is a sucker. This applies to anything, be it cars, video games, or whatever.

Its a little known fact that everyone in the South has some shine stashed somewhere.

For those saying that autopilot saved him, you guys havn’t been to too many hospital ERs. The guy would have to drive up to the hospital parking lot manually, park manually, walk to the ER entrance, and check himself in. So much faster than being picked up and automatically carted into the ER if it was a true life or

Did the military learn nothing from the F-4? What is the point of having a stealthy fighter if it has to carry a very non-stealthy gunpod?

Who would’ve figure that Jalopnik was populated by a bunch of nancy boys who care more about appearances than personal freedoms and freedom to do what you want on your own property. If the neighbors don’t like me working on my Jag, fuck ‘em. Life is too damn short to be worrying about petty ass bullshit.

If they go away, I will miss them. I have flown on a lot of 747s. TWA St. Louis to Frankfurt a few times. To Hawaii many times. Most recently Air France to Paris and back on a 747.