
“Teslas are not made from space magic.”

Elon Musk is an egotistical, serial fibber, with an insane ego, bolstered by legions of idiot fans.

Do you mean the readers or the Jalopnik writers? If you take a look at how much Jalopnik has covered Tesla over the past year or so and actually read some of those articles, it’s pretty clear that Jalopnik writers have a massive, throbbing boner for Tesla.

Reviews have noted that Teslas (except the Roadster/Lotus) aren’t exactly fun to drive in anything other than straightlines.

Now you’re happily strolling along Red Army Boulevard, showing off the car to your loved ones. You had a nice little drive together. What do you do next?

I grew up in Georgia (country) and I can probably count the number of times I had been in a privately owned vehicle until I moved to the US. I had been in busses and vans, but not many actual cars. I was 11 when I came over here and was amazed that every family owned a car.

Without disclosing my income, I’ll say this: I should probably be the person that Elon Musk is targeting with his cars. Yet all these ideas just seem like elitist pipe-dreams that ignore some really pragmatic obstacles. (Full disclosure, I’m an ecomodernist. I find many of Musk’s plans to be fanciful and logistically

Modern Diesel Subs are very quiet and hard to detect. With Air Independent Propulsion Systems used in newer non-nuclear subs removing the old Achilles Heel of Diesel boat of needing to get close to the surface and run the diesel to recharge the batteries, a AIP Sub can go almost completely silent and run on batteries,

Sounds like you have some reading to do.


As a former sailor on board ships who use this’re nuttier than squirrel shit if you think this will keep the United States Navy from using their fucking crazy for real, for real.

Some of the responses here prove that people don’t know shit, think the world is a beautiful place, and everyone wants to be our friend. There are non nuclear subs that are quieter than ours and almost impossible to hear unless you use active sonar. There was a post about them here on foxtrotalpha a few months ago. Do

There was no need to shed light on anything as cars are being delivered already. No one is entitled to know exactly why the car wasn’t delivered as soon as it landed on US soil apart from Ford Motor Company.

I'd be more happy if our national security and collective safety was more important than a fish.

Having served aboard submarines for 12 years I cannot believe this decision. So now realize that hostile countries can now park munitions off the coast and be a pain to find, but Flipper can talk to his mom easier. Yes I do love animals, but I happen to prefer the well being of humans.

I rented a PT Cruiser convertible once (for laughs) and me and a buddy drove thru the city with the top down until we realized how embarrassed we were that everyone could see us in the car and promptly put the top back up

I’m glad my Prime membership is going to good use.

If only there was some precedent of this having happened before in Turkey that would lead people to believe there might be a positive outcome. Also people might be responding to increasing steps by the current government away from democracy and rule of law in the first place.

This is really good, The military is secular and they are kicking an ISIS supporting shit bag out of office

For what I know and from an historical point of view, the Turkish military are the secular and anti-fundamentalist part of their society, still trying to enforce the pro-European and multi-cultural directives of Kemal Ataturk, that are despised by the present, fundamentalist muslim Government. Curiously, at 22.25 CEST