
For all those thinking they need air tools or that air tools are more powerful, no - you just need one of these. Total beast and no friggen air lines or compressor needed.

Agree and also to the author... i usually try to keep my foot right above the brake pedal when using cruise control... what do most people do, sit back and just steer sitting cross-legged???? I am more scared now that you imply this is not normal!!!


Technology isnt as

It looks like he is using the cheep 1/4" hose from harbor fright and most likely thier couplings. For an impact to work correctly, you need 3/8" hose and higher flowing coupplings. The HF 3/8" couplings are realy designed for hte lower flow 1/4" hose. You need the pressure in the tool not in the hose.

Ok, so if the sensors can register the object, why can’t Tesla calibrate them to detect distance and know the difference between “that overhead object is far enough away, we can pass under it.” vs “that object will remove the top of the car”? It’s not an unreasonable request that the automaker should not release their

As part of reliability engineering for new product development, engineers typically create a P diagram to help predict failure modes and risks. The P diagram captures noise (factors out of your control) and error states. I can’t even begin to imagine how many noise factors, error states, and failure modes could be

Haha it’s so fucking true whether you are being serious or not. The amount of Elon dick riding some commenters here enjoy is insane.

There are plenty of commenters right here whom if I was the conspiratorial type, would assume were commenting from a cubicle at Tesla HQ, or perhaps Musk’s basement.

Yep, if he was really interested in de escalated the situation, he would have explained that they are only hiding out on the dudes driveway because obama’s illegal muslim immigrant friends are out to steal their birth certificates.

It says here you were in jail for 4 years. What happened?

*late 20s and younger. If you’re in your early 30s or older, Pokemon was never a cool thing. Of course, there are always exceptions to the rule, but I know no one my age that played Pokemon.

Okay, look here; if you’re into the same kind of thing as my ten year old daughter (yes, Pokemon, or however the hell you spell it), that’s your business. Just know that I’m judging you for it.

But in the event that the motor goes out, I CAN JUST ADJUST THE MIRROR BY HAND.

“But sadly, little Billy’s Dad never received his Model X, for while on the way, the transport truck was struck by a Model S on autopilot at 80mph.

you forgot the I in ruins.

I hate stance. I refuse to “accept all types of modifications,” or “respect the build.” There are some things that are just plain stupid. I realize I will be flamed to hell for saying this, but I don’t care.

The only stance-related happiness I can derive is that (as a BRZ owner) every time a stanced Toyobaru is posted

Several important things missing.

My life (and passengers) is so much more secure when I work on my car than when Johnny-dropped-out-of-highschool down at the local Qwikee-lube does it. I used to work on my cars because I had to, now I work on them because that’s the only way I’ll feel good about safety critical features on my multi-ton steel death

The big draw for the use of lasers is their economy. It costs the Navy hundreds of thousands for each and every homing missile they fire at something.

As a British Automotive Engineer who has worked for 2 of the companies mentioned in this article I am extremely annoyed at the ignorant mouth breathers who voted out. So much misinformation and fear mongering was done by the vote leave campaign and unfortunately people bought it because reading facts and doing actual

I was working this job when I first got out of the military. I had to be driven to some dealer, and pick up cars and deliver them to other dealers, customers, or to the auction. Just basically move the cars where ever the dealer needed.