
1st gear: In other news, water still wet, sky still blue, and sex still makes babies.
2nd gear: I just hate Nissan because they ruined their cars with a crappy transmission, but that’s me.
3rd gear: Meh.
4th gear: Okay.
5th gear: Amount of fucks given: zero.
Neutral: Seeing as man is imperfect, thus anything he creates

The difference is that people wanted to use the roads, and they continue to want to use the roads. We built more roads because we needed them. People were demanding them. And they still do.

those are for the main septic line, to channel out all the bullshit

The innovation of the Hyperloop isn’t its propulsion. We already have linear motors. We know they work. This was a proof of concept that didn’t need proving.

Ford already used it for a pickup. Was a 4x4 ford courier. Extremely rare and these days often believed to not exist, but I saw a picture of one that a guy took. Its kind of blurry but it was a real Ford Sasquatch

Instead just skip Myrtle and stop at Sunset or Ocean Isle instead

“I married this name and fortune, and I’ll be damned if I’m going to let someone else earn any money from it!”

Look New York, you birthed Trump. This is your punishment.

I’m still trying to figure out why companies like Uber and GM/Lyft WANT the total responsibility for a person’s safety from A to B, and why they want to be the owners of the vehicles that carry people around. Seems like a lot of risk.

I’m confused about the ‘Uber valued higher than GM’ thing. This scares me more than the ‘dotcom’ era before the tech crash in ‘01.

1st gear: Sounds a lot like a certain Gizmodo writer who lives in the same, big city bubble.

Does the car’s performance suffer when you drive it to Cincinnati?

I always assume a debadged BMW means it’s the cheapest available.


Am I taking crazy pills or does this EV lobbyist ad have a massive flaw in logic:

I honestly still can’t see the electric car thing taking off. If any electric battery powered motor setup was actually a better, cheaper, alternative to a fossil fuel engine we would be seeing them used for industrial and commercial applications long before we’d ever see them in passenger vehicles. If large logistics

Guys I think your website is wrong, should be Teslopnik now.

Global lithium supplies are already being squeezed, despite electric car’s making up less than 1% of new sales.

Ok, we get it. You guys like Teslas.

People always tell me it’s unfair to keep bringing up a failed test from an old prototype. But my response is always this: what do you think it will look like when these cars get a decent amount of years and mileage on them? My grandmother’s S40 isn’t even 15 years old yet and the power windows are failing. What will