
I’m from the area and the “pond” they went into had 20-50 feet of reeds and muck before the water actually starts. There would be no way a human could have made it through that into the pond and rescued them. But of course the news won’t report that, they would rather sensationalize the girls deaths.

Perhaps I haven’t searched hard enough, but I don’t think anyone is saying they deserved to die because they ran from cops. They died because they made a mistake. You can’t blame the officers for not risking their lives to save theirs. Police have an obligation to do whatever they can within reasonable limits, but

Amen on the anti-sieze.

Another Tesla fluff piece? *Gag*


I once watched a $6000 antenna dome fly off a ship in high winds. It was tossed like a frisbee and we watched it sail for a good minute before it hit the water many meters out. We were all laughing, except Chief, and really wish we had it on video. There was nothing we could do to save it, even once we realized there

He's no longer writing for Gawker/Teslapnik anymore. Looks like we're doomed to read about Tesla and Dieselgate for the rest of our lives.

Meh, unlike me with my student loans, you can just file for bankruptcy. Problem solved!

The US Navy provides freedom of navigation patrols, protects shipping lanes, anti-piracy operations, and enforces international maritime law.

I’ve said it all along. The more Russia declines, the more belligerent they’ll become.

5th Gear:

Both are from Florida, they’re both guilty.

Heros? Hardly. A hero is a firefighter. A hero is a kid 8,000 miles away from home in the service of his country, in the armpit of the middle east trying to snuff out terrorism at the root. A hero is a mom working two jobs and going to school at night to provide a better life for her family. All these a$$hats did was

Fix yourself, Nasty. Marines ≠ soldiers.

This isn’t even the worst thing that Governor McCrory did this week. What a piece of shit.

Andreas Baader, Ulrike Meinhof, Gudran Esslin, and all of their scumbag colleagues were Germans, with a radical ideology developed in the late 50s and 60s. They were as home grown as it gets and I was on the ground to see the results of their actions. Your bravado is impressive, but your statement is wrong.

First and foremost, we have to go after their international funding sources. That's the key. I knew these guys had money, but I had no idea they had Airport Luggage Cart Money.

yep. a lot of the problems in Europe have been because immigrants/migrants and refugees are ghetto-ized and shoved into the margins, with no real prospects at making a better life. when you corral people into those margins, they become easy targets for radicalization, because at least now someone is telling them they

Mission creep? Ah, nothing better than half-assing it.

I think it’s clear by now that the Russians consider “something” to be anything and everything that their bombs land on.