Yes, he is very wrong for not delivering a dissertation covering the breadth of the topic during this interview.
Yes, he is very wrong for not delivering a dissertation covering the breadth of the topic during this interview.
My god, the “famous person says something fundamentally supportive in an imperfect* way so let’s shit on him” genre has to die.
No, “women” as a whole are neither better at nor worse at anything than men are, but each of us has our own individual strengths or weaknesses (GASP I KNOW).
He’s just basically exploiting some of humanity’s bleakest tragedies and playing it up with some cool shots and witty banter, without considering the moral complexities of the tragedy.
The “privilege” or making and putting our art? Tarantino is a high school drop out who worked shit jobs (video store clerk, porn theatre usher) while busting his ass writing brilliant screenplays. He worked, and earned, everything that he has today. Privilege? Lol, fuck you.
Coming from a news/gossip blog?
As a native Kentuckian (who once even spent a year working with George Clooney’s sister), let me politely invite you to go fuck yourself.
I think what misfires for me is that the humor ends up hitting some pretty classist targets on its way to being mean to Amal and George.
I do not know what to make of this article. It’s either in jest (poorly done) or just mean.
Whatever you were going for with the tone and voice of this article did not work.
A lot of times when you're a black woman and you're proud, that's why people don't like you.
"PEOPLE: there are so many legitimate things that you can make fun of Iggy Azalea about. Please leave her innocent butt out of it."
"Gawker Media as a company and institution is not pro-bullying."
How classless. Seriously - think what you want about whether or not Beck was your favourite artist this year, he won the fucking award. No one fucking cares about what you think, Kanye. You just turned someone else's personal achievement into your moment - AGAIN.
Under the League's understanding of what constitutes alcohol and marijuana abuse, I've been a raging junky unfit for work since I was seventeen years old.
The CFL is going to get one hell of a wide receiver.
First world (sports) problems.
Yes I want to jeopardize my job at CNN to help a shitty website site do yet another whining article about nonsense. How about fuck off and do your own real work and not look for random people on the internet to do it for you.
It's Harden, btw.
Is it ok to genuinely like anything anymore? Dude is a handful-of-times-in-a-generation talent who had one of the best offensive seasons in NBA history last year and gave probably the most heartfelt MVP speech in American sports history. Who the fuck is worthy of our admiration in contrast? Please do tell.