“Mean words” aren’t as much of a threat as money, but they make you impossible to take seriously in the eyes of anyone who’s not a schadenfreude kid fronting as a moralist.
“Mean words” aren’t as much of a threat as money, but they make you impossible to take seriously in the eyes of anyone who’s not a schadenfreude kid fronting as a moralist.
I haven’t even seen 13 Reasons, but get over yourself. There’s this thing that talented writers - even white men! - have, and that’s empathy. They’re able to see things from others’ perspectives. You don’t have to be an astronaut to write a convincing astronaut, you know? This is grade school shit.
“But this time their subject isn’t LeBeouf’s fragile ego or embarrassing filmography...”
Don’t be a rube.
I watched Can’t Buy Me Love recently, and I couldn’t believe how loathsome his character was.
I get that this is a pile-on site, but you can’t avoid the fact that Pizzolatto was a hell of a lot more responsible for S1’s success than Fukanaga.
Or she could just be a posh fameball who’s piggybacking on social issues like feminism and body shaming as a way to expand her brand, and the rubes lap it up because they’re either too dumb or too high of their own shit to grasp that even a good cause can have specious motives.
Didn’t they already have “naked Trevor” in the game? I haven’t seen it on the PS4 version, but on the PS3 when I switched to Trevor (the transition scene where he’s just finishing jerking off), he had his joggers around his ankles with his dick out.
Didn't Dunham use "lesbian" as a pejorative term throughout her book? I can't remember the exact passage I saw, but it was a hell of a lot more exclusionary than some bad joke that was clearly a reference to hippie hair. And everyone's acting like Zendaya was so hard done by. She's a self-serious poptart whose…
Didn't Dunham use "lesbian" as a pejorative term throughout her book? I can't remember the exact passage I saw, but it was a hell of a lot more exclusionary than some bad joke that was clearly a reference to hippie hair. And everyone's acting like Zendaya was so hard done by. She's a privileged poptart who feigned…
Emmy reminds me of a writer I know. Loves snow storms, mostly because he never has to shovel the snow or even leave his apartment. Typically, his only interaction with snow is doing a somersault through it on his way in from his car. He'll be cooped up in his lair like, "Yes! Snow!" He honestly doesn't get why people…
Washington has had some nice flame-outs, but I still love the vibe around that team since they got Ovechkin. It just comes across as a great home crowd on TV.
"I would argue that it doesn't matter what the cookie (yes, I'm blaming a cookie) intended, rather how the person who gets the cookie interprets it."
Jesus. The message is that you shouldn't be so up your own ass that you can pigeon-hole a complete stranger based on a brief interaction. This is sound advice.
You're the arbiter of nothing, so you have no high-ground from which to dismiss anyone.
I love the idea of Rogen shuffling through an airport all sleepy-eyed with jet-lag, and up bops Rob Lowe looking to corner him over this North Korea business. "I'm a celeb, you're a celeb, let's shoot the shit!"