
I'm a libtard in Maryland who getting real sick of the bullshit and dismissing this stuff from my side. Deadspin and Gawker don't get passes because they agree with my politics. Thanks A. Douche

Yeah amazing I don't believe you at all, And based off your bullshit article I have no reason to believe you. Its was a easy chance to trash a Republican and you took it without doing any real research on the story.

"Men always say that as the defining compliment, don't they? She's a cool girl. Being the Cool Girl means I am a hot, brilliant, funny woman who adores football, poker, dirty jokes, and burping, who plays video games, drinks cheap beer, loves threesomes and anal sex, and jams hot dogs and hamburgers into her mouth

Of course there's a difference. I just find the righteous indignation shown in several articles on here about the leaks humorous when they clearly have no problems writing gossip articles about celebrities sex lives.

Both are invasions of privacy, yet one is A-OK for some reason while the other is not. There's no

How is it that all these gossip stories about famous people's sex lives are okay for Gawker Media to write about yet you were all up in arms about the celebrity picture leaks?

Your "ethical and moral standards" for what's okay to write about or post make no sense.

I like how she holds up a soda and a snack to illustrate sodas and snacks as she is saying "sodas and snacks." Just in case we don't know what sodas and snacks are.

Hopefully Colin will check back with us in 24 months.


Very good post, and admittedly, I haven't seen most of The Rock's films, but when you combine his looks, size, wrestling fanbase, acting abilities, and the fact that we are far removed from the heyday of great actions stars (see: the cast of The Expendables). I consider an A-lister as an actor/athlete that can go

Now playing

He also got paid to do this rad commercial for baby carrots:

Red Rocket is much beloved in SA.

The Spurs can't get rid of their Bonner.

Other random college/roommate story, that happened to my friend. My friend "Kim" lived in a house with four other girls. One night, Kim comes back super high and opens the fridge. In the fridge is a half eaten birthday cake that "Claire" had made for a friend's party earlier that week. Kim has a piece. Night ends.

"A "critical mass of faculty members and students" felt that it was inappropriate for a student leader to make fun of members of the community she had been tasked with representing. Peterson herself seems to recognize as much and admitted that the photo was a mistake."