
Yeah, I was thinking on the drive home today about how men have built an entire existence off of cluelessness / pretending they don’t know things. If they just ACT like they don’t KNOW they’re making her uncomfortable, or they don’t KNOW HOW to grocery shop, and then if they take it one step further and act CONFUSED

Sly star for you.

I know this is a radical idea, but how about NO “ATTENTION” AT ALL? All day long I see dudes who attract my ‘attention’ for various reasons—-they’re tattooed, they have long hair, their shirt’s off, they’re missing their teeth, I suspect they’re drunk or high, the list goes on—and yet SOMEHOW I never say a single damn

I mean, you using the word “cute” condescendingly is annoying AF and worth tuning out, so win-win? Nobody’s reading either thread any more. Guess we can all go home now.

Oh my god. Back before Uber was a thing, I was in a yellow taxi, and it was about 1am on a work night, I’d been kept super late. The taxi driver looked like no other taxi driver, he was a big overweight white guy with a red plaid shirt half un-bottoned, hair all gross and messed up. We have to take this really dark

OH yeah. So there’s another guy at work (great office, huh) who is so preachy about kids, and he has these condescending phrases. “Ok Helena, you don’t know this because you don’t have kids yet, but [here’s how kids like to do XYZ]”. “Kids are the best thing anybody can do in the world, better than money, better than

It’s worse when women do it too. This woman at work who I don’t know that well was all, “So why aren’t you married?” And I said, “I don’t plan to get married.” And she said, “So you haven’t found the right person yet.” And I said, “No. I decided I don’t want to get married.” And she said, “There’s someone for

So, the one thing I came here to say is—as someone who shouted loud and long about how important it was to stand up against sexual abuse, in a very public trial—-why the FUCK would you STILL let your single get released titled, “Look What You Made Me Do”?!?!?!?!?!?! I mean it is LITERALLY the abuser’s/sexual abuser’s

God that one looks like something out of Beetlejuice!

It’s called emotional labor and women have been writing about it for four decades but yeah makes a lot more sense when a man re-phrases it. //s

Some of the bitchiest, self-serving, shaming women I know are proud of their long careers in HR...

No purpose. Probably bec some people have a compulsion to blurt out random facts that they know because they’re pleased they know facts relevant to a situation without a) consideration for whether it’s appropriate b) anyone gives a fuck that they know that fact.

Xhelili. Yeah, that sounds native AF. Good work keeping the ‘outsiders’ out...

The fact that she built herself a multi-million dollar empire surrounded entirely by women? I mean, I’m not saying she’s a standard-bearer, but she could have tried to work the label...

Everyone knows if you’ve been raped you’re supposed to never enjoy your sexuality for as long as you live. And they’ll sentence the rapist accordingly for the magnitude of that crime right? It’s heads-I-win, tails-you-lose.

It’s a fun song, most people know it, she applied the meaning correctly. Really, this is offensive or racist? So we’re saying white people can’t use rap lyrics written by black people? If the lyric is ‘problematic’ then it’s been that way for years—she didn’t WRITE it. And if it’s that offensive, then take it off the

I mean, they’re parents having kids in a society that has NOTHING like a friendly approach to parents. It’s terrible. Obviously that burden falls disproportionately on Moms in a lot of cases, but Dad are affected too. Would be really interested to hear from non-US, more parent-friendly countries (Scandinavia, France,

PS detached retina surgery is one of my top fears in the world up there with being captured and tortured and the fact that you two are relatively blasé about it makes me feel squeamish and panicky but also, a tiny bit better? IDK. I have a lot of feelings.

I am drinking that RIGHT NOW!!

This is like an episode of Bones!