
This just sounds like reverse Shallow Hal, slightly revamped to appear more woke, but still just recycling the same old objectification tropes. Maybe I’m just sick of the whole “look at this average woman who looks a lot like you, can you believe that she ISN’T a hideous monster?” Like, fuck off you patronizing

I don’t even have kids, but almost threw up from anxiety when she spills that breast milk in the trailer. I can’t imagine being an actual traumatized mom, going to see this thinking you’re going to have some empathetic laughs, and getting blindsided by THIS plot. That being said, I’m not surprised and LOVE Diablo Cody

I live in Charleston and this dude is the biggest fucking piece of shit. Rich party boy with no accomplishments besides being born into old money, has never been held accountable for any of the copious legal and personal shit he has stirred up in the past. And on top of that, he is an asshole to wait staff. Wouldn’t

My fiance and I are getting married on the same day as Harry and Meghan—I would like to use this forum to apologize to the press and paparazzi for putting them in such a bind, I can’t imagine having to make such a decision as this.

oh man, ugly cry to that one EVERY time

Bedazzled. Im sorry, it’s fucking hilarious and his best work, I don’t make the rules.

Men couldn’t be more fragile if they were one of those fucking sugar-glass statues on The Great British Bake-Off.

its just always money in the end, I guess

If my bible belt upbringing tells me anything its that id rather chill with the cool people in hell than be stuck with all the people who think they are going to heaven

I gotta know, why do we as a species insist on building cities in places that could so quickly become completely inhabitable? I’m not just talking volcano towns either—I live in Charleston SC, a city that routinely floods with 3-6 inches of standing water during light to average rainfall and is constantly on the

You guys I literally just won a bet with my sister—she bet me 50 dollars 5 years ago that he would never shave his head because “it just doesn’t seem like a royal thing to do” (?)

Omg same, we talked about so many things, i picked out the ring, and never once was I worried about “whether or not” he would propose, because I wasn’t worried period. People wonder why most marriages fail, but if you enter into one of the most important contracts of your life without even knowing what the terms are,

Real question—for those of us who get engaged in our late 20s and into our being totally surprised and shocked at a proposal still something that happens at this age? Before mr. dontknowwhatimsaying proposed there had been SO many discussions about how we did want to get married, where we should live, if i

I remember being in my early twenties and reading Tucker Max shit online and thinking it was simultaneously hilarious and the worst thing i had ever read—now I literally cant revisit any of it without wanting to die over how absolutely mundanely misogynistic it is (like when you come across some random MRA Instagram

So it was a DOGpelganger? Don’t worry, I’m leaving

Totally. I literally have fantasies about winning the lottery and being like “Hey parents, you can retire right now! Hey every classmate from my doctorate program, your student loans are paid off, stop crying every month! Hey friends and siblings, your mortgages and car payments are gone!” And then you can just

I’m so fucking happy for Corey Feldman. He has been trying to make people fucking care about this for decades now, and even though Im wary of the blowback from this recent shift, I am so happy that he and others are getting justice FINALLY.

So I KNOW that this probably isn’t a story about some gross dude getting unceremoniously tossed out of an airplane hatch at 39,000 feet....but what if it was?

This is so goddamn delightful that I’m honestly tearing up a little bit

i plan to die of a horrible diet coke disease in a few years, so im not going to waste those years eating vegetables