I Do Not Approve



This is funny enough to brave the horrible side-out comment system to say so! Say hello to your mother for me.

Wow, helicopter fucking pays pretty well these days, Mary!

Stop arousing me with your ideas.

They gotta go with the people whose publicists respond to the requests.

No. Keep doing this forever.

"Oh, man, NOW you tell us!"
- A bunch of fired guys at PWC

And the pretty accurate canard is that "Sound Editing goes to the loudest film" (so Hacksaw Ridge won), which is a good way to clean up in your Oscar pool's smaller categories.

Price Waterhouse Cooper's Vice President of Seppuku is on the way to her office to act as her second and lop off her head.

Quintessential "hey, it's That Guy!". I'm somewhat surprised to find out he is NOT the Mogwai salesman in Gremlins.

Cartwright! Cartwright!

Blast Hardcheese! Slab Rockthrust!


He's got the smarts and good judgement of the boxer in Miller's Crossing.

Written and Directed by

In WB's defense, it was the right choice creatively, as he is a supremely terrible actor.

Fantastic and recent article here about methodone/buprenorphine and how they work very well, but are extremely hard to get and prescribe in the US:…

Something about her really gets under my scales, I mean skin! Normal human skin!

Isn't High Sparrow a nickname (highlighting the common and meek ethos of the Faith Militant) and High Septon his actual ecclesiastical title?