I Do Not Approve

Well, the world needs ditch diggers, too.

Yeah, just throw away all of that sweet sweet intellectual property cash.  That’s what networks are known for.

Old saying:

If you look into the background of successful actors a large percentage of them come from upper middle class or straight up rich families that allow them the luxury of being a “starving artist” for a few years that people from more modest families aren’t able to do.

When you don’t have to worry about making ends meet it must be easy to pick and choose so early in your career. 

I don’t have a particularly strong opinion about this particular case, but just because companies have been doing something for a long time doesn’t mean that practice should be blessed by a court.

I may not look forward to anything in 2023 more than this

Would that it were so simple. But no, it’s going to make a lot of money for everyone, because of our culture’s obsession with Unobtanium.

I wouldn’t make that bet, even with your money.