I Do Not Approve

Deepest sympathies to the family of our longtime customer, Ms. Chnandler Bong.

I actually came down to the comments to see if it was me! I started this sentence with just a “I think maybe that’s supposed to be ‘they’re’?” but I honestly have no clue what it’s trying to say.

You just briefly forgot about a decades-long campaign to demonize education, intellectual curiosity, and doing any cursory research to back up your “this sounds vaguely right to me so I’ll die on this hill and ignore any new facts from this point on” feeling.

I am conflicted because

I see you know the proper deployment of its vs. it’s, unlike the first sentence of this article.

Cartwright? Cartwright!!

Because that is not how quotes work or the function they serve? Maybe you’ve never read a journalism before.

SO MANY more people have virology and epidemiology PhD’s than I ever expected!

Do what now?

‘Joooooel, where’s the script? What’s the plan?’ And he was kind of just bouncing around.”

Aside from the obvious, er, issues the game comes packed with -

Drew’s extremely ill-considered response is a blot on this discussion and site. It also provides direct cover to Chappelle’s attacker, Michael Che’s attacker, and every psycho who has any issue with a comedian’s material.

The fact that it’s Scut Farkus and not Scot Farkus escaped me only the first.... 30 or so times I viewed this film. WTF is  a scut?

Today I Learned!

“The Court’s holding is limited to representations as to whether an actress *OR SCENE* is in the movie, and nothing else,” the judge writes.

...For like the 46th time this year.

Well, that was a delightful flashback to an AV Club of yore I had almost totally forgotten about about, thank you.

Would that I...

Not at all weird or enlightening how “and the Black one is super untalented!” is the second half of your tantrum.