I Do Not Approve

Shoulda been Curve.

3. There is a display board of the 3 contestant's scores in view at all times - it's positioned so contestants can see it easily but the audience isn't looking directly at it. You don't have to remember the scores. This also helps when calculating your Daily Double wagers (another time period that is essentially

Uh, so? They do indeed mention several cities on JFK's itinerary (Franco can't even remember that Dallas is the right spot during his brief amnesia) - but the location question is irrelevant.

In complete and total opposition to what a taut time travel thriller should be doing in its penultimate episode, this is getting looser, lazier, and less urgent episode by episode.

"I Might Need You To Kill" - but there are so, so many good choices.

Jesus, kids these days. Everyone knows that CD cases are just thinly disguised square plates for your cocaine.

Yeah, you're fixating as if the clue is asking something it's not. "Settled" /= "Established as the capital of a US State". Alaska and Hawaii were not "settled" in 1959.

I think (show employees told me, but I could mis-remember), that TOC is sorted by number of shows won first, then money as the tie breaker. So at the end of a fake/average sample season, your Tournament of Champions is your one prodigy like Arthur who wins 13 games, all six of your 5-game winners, Fred and 3 other

Yes, I've been told that 3 wins is the cut-off - generally a few low-winning triple winners will get cut, but half or more of the 3-winners get in the TOC. Fred will return.

Welcome back, tja. I don't think I exaggerate when I say Jay S.'s Jeopardy Corner is the single most valuable resource in the entire history of Internet.

$3000 was a perfectly cromulent wager there, though - a correct DD would have put her in first place (and, we now know if all else stayed the same, had her hold a big lead going to FJ). I was more surprised that he was giving such detailed advice.


Why would you be ruled ineligible?

Woo, 40! Assuming "VW" is acceptable for Volkswagen. Blew it on Panthera Leo ("Lion seems too on the nose - Panther? Leopard? Cougar? Cheetah?"), Greek Mountain, Steph Curry and Emma the poet (wanted to put "Emma Watson"as a joke but put "Emma Something" as time was running out) but the rest of my hunches were on -


I watched it all and you are right. It's 3 hours of exciting alt-history spycraft and 7 hours of close-ups of Tagomi's face while he holds the necklace and says nothing.

… and 9/11 and Nancy Grace had a baby and I saw the baby and then the baby looked at me and it was the Fat Jew

What about The Arrangement? On Lifetime, a single-season competition series about flower arranging, hosted by Gigi Levangie Grazer! A perfect storm of forgettable-ness.

Off whom did he base it?

Interesting - I didn't watch past the pilot of Z Nation (I thought it was low-budg but kind of cheesy fun, does it stay that way?), but it's of course not like the immunity concept is new to zombie fiction.