I Do Not Approve

Interesting - I didn't watch past the pilot of Z Nation (I thought it was low-budg but kind of cheesy fun, does it stay that way?), but it's of course not like the immunity concept is new to zombie fiction.

I'm calling it here - Glenn is the first known (to us through the camera's eye) Immune. Everyone carries the disease - it's mutated inside of him so that he now "reads" to the walkers as already dead. He will now never be bitten, or bites don't affect him (and he will be the source of "what if we experiment on his

OK, once and for all - Does Ayn rhyme with Pan, Pain or Pine? I've heard all three from putative experts, so I will only accept an authoritative answer from those who knew her or dug up her corpse.

Hey, "Shut that c**t's mouth, or I'll come over and fuck-start her head!" really gets results for me at work.

Never mind - I said a word that is bad in the US and not the UK - the only bad word here at Disqus.

Land shark.

Jerk store!

Downvoted for not knowing, despite extremely close-at-hand contextual clues. And Google.

A visit from the Pedantry Dept.: Receiving a star on the Walk of Fame and having your hand- and footprints immortalized in cement in front of Mann's/Grauman's/TCl Chinese Theatre are two totally separate (dubious, paid-for, publicity tool, often tied to a film release) "honors", "bestowed" by separate organizations.

Why does a $200 million-budget movie have such shitty CGI? The opening fight scene has such a preponderance of herky-jerky, too-fast, weightless-feeling movement that after a minute I was convinced it would prove to be a video game the Avengers were playing, via some Oculus product placement or whatever the Avengers

Impressive grudge holding, but please expand on when this supposedly happened.

Well, now there's Harmontown for that, so maybe the show will be more focused.

What they really mean is her hair is darker this season.

Of course, the MPAA strictly forbids this in American posters/marketing materials with guns - but I guess bows aren't lethal weapons in their minds. Stupid MPAA.

In a funny synchronicity, this is one of the DVD's I converted to a file on a hard drive and then dropped in my office wastebasket yesterday. If anyone would like to see this, I'll just eat the ninety cents postage or whatever and mail it to you. (Not sure if we can do private messages or something for an address?)

In the 90's I would have agreed with you 100%, nowadays I'm only 40%. But she is utterly charming and well-cast in this. I really feel like Paltrow the actress knows the dope-iness and disaster looming in Emma's well-intentioned schemes, and it makes for a very funny and watchable performance.

How many walkers have you killed?
How many people have you killed?

Tip for the anonymous reader who "just narrowly avoided a breakup": You are going to break up.

Nick Cave — 'I'm forever near a stereo saying, 'What the fuck is this garbage?' And the answer is always the Red Hot Chili Peppers.'

When will animators start really paying attention to weight and solidity of their designs? A pretty tight, well-designed and scored, good-looking animation (this) is barely watchable because the main character (and every moving being and vehicle) seems to be made out of paper and flits around like he has no substance.