I Do Not Approve

"…but those two have nothing on the accidental sparks between John and his eldest sister."

That's a shame because Sera's snarky/insane dialogues are the best.

2 Legit 2 Quit

Important question - is this film available to watch anywhere?

That's kind of rude. You don't need to be a certain creed or culture to love The Hammer. Maybe I grew up blaming you for the death of our Savior, but I still find this movie hilarious.

"Challenge accepted".

Pro tip: When you included a phrase like "the aforementioned White" in an article, it is customary to have actually mentioned that thing at least once before that point in the article. Helps eliminate reader confusion.

*Banish Disqus*

You shut your mouth about All Saints!

It's like it's saying, I'm so catchy I don't even need a proper article picture! Or even a non-blurry video framegrab!

It can be two things.

Naming her Gwyneth makes it so obvious that she's the vain, out-of-touch villain of the piece.


Hey guys, whatta you think this "DO NOT SIT NEXT TO O'NEAL" sign means?

A solitary tear runs down Marissa Mayer's cheek.

And her one magic weakness is getting beatdowns from Ozark trash! If only Nick had discovered it sooner!

I sure hope somebody got fired for that blunder.


They went to Stormtrooper Accuracy Camp.