I Do Not Approve


It works! I just copy-pasted this entire to thing to Facebook, and I'm more popular than I've ever been!

Millers Crossing…. the Mexican border again

The Doktor impregnated me in a bathroom stall at one of their shows.

Same, "Lucretia" and "Dominion" for me, though I'm also really fond of "I Was Wrong", the pretty out-of-character acoustic lament that ends Vision Thing.

"Whether that’s true or not, whether Buckley’s being honest, I don’t
know. I certainly don’t hate Jeff Buckley as artist or anything."
"I actually think Buckley is pretty innocent."
"For me it’s like, ha ha, that’s what you get, Jeff Buckley. This is what you birthed, Buckley. I hope you’re happy."

I think there was a linklage to it in the article though.

I've read 4 of the books, so I hope this isn't a spoiler.
Bran's storyline: Still the worst.


I love Morty, and I hope Morty loves me…

I got a lot of pushback on that.

Lookin' goo-ood!

Due to the intense waves of icy chill she projects, Nicole Kidman movies really save on the air-conditioning budget. It's why she gets so much work!

Needs more Cumberbatch.

After another 78,935 listens, you mean?

Are you serious? Because it provides millions of dollars in taxable business, encourages companies to move to or remain headquartered in LA, and employs thousands of Angelenos? Other than taking bribes and providing shoddy utility services, that's kind of what local governments want to do.

Well, I enjoyed a brief moment of elation before I actually listened to these.

Serious question for the AV Club honchos - don't you, as professional journalists, occasionally feel you do a disservice by linking shitty user-ripped YouTube videos as part of a news article, when any time a major corporation actually owns the content, and employs people who monitor for this kind of infringement,

Porcupine Racetrack
The Bearded Men of Space Station 11
Barry and Levon / $240 Worth of Pudding
Doug (I'm ouutta heeeeere)

The backbiting faux-compliments between Christine Woods and Jenny Slate as insecure struggling actress frenemies were particular highlights, but yeah, somehow Hello Ladies was less than the sum of its parts.