I Do Not Approve

Clap clap clap clap booooooooooo. ( I love the audience being divided on whether bidding $1 is brilliant play, or cruelly stealing from the nice old lady next to you).

D. Such a weak, disjointed season that there was no way to save it. Peace out, Homeland, it's time for me to ramble on, but we'll always have your one good season.

I think it was the only way he could slow down! No brakes.

Excuse me, but "proactive" and "paradigm"? Aren't these just buzzwords
that dumb people use to sound important?

Can you send me one? No, hang on, I've got my car keys, just TELL ME WHERE THIS PARADISE IS.

To rehash my most recent redesign complaint, I REALLY don't need a pop-up bubble with pictures and names of every other up-arrow-clicker when I like something. Thanks.

We weren't complaining about the redesign enough the last few days, so they decided to give us something new to bitch about. Our hate fuels them.

Me also that!

How about a Soupy Sales, Bob Barker, Dick Van Dyke road trip / old-guys-in-space movie? Is that something you'd be interested in? Maybe Fred Willard as "the young one".

I see it, though pictures have been very hit and miss for me the last couple days.

I love that game. The other good guideline for "How should we handle this Arkham Horror rules question?" is: The game is really mean and always trying to kill you - do whatever is least advantageous to the players.

Thanks to all you guys for the kind words and lack of snark - as @zebbart:disqus mentions below, it maybe has to be coming, with the awful tragedy a parallel to his most well-known role, but the Internet has been mostly restrained and mournful the last couple of days. More proof that we really lost a good guy.

He was a friend of mine, we went to the same small Christian school from about 4th-12th grade. In 5th grade, shit you not, he was the kid pictured hugging a dog on the bag of dog food in my family pantry (Yeah, we made fun of him a little for that). He was (duh) always really good-looking, kind of surrounded by a

'Have you thought much aboutluggage, Mr. Banks?'

Yet. Deer like their revenge served cold.

What day? Hunting Day?

I don't need to click the link to know that this is "While My Guitar Gently Weeps" from George Harrison's Rock n' Roll Hall of Fame induction concert, do I?

Are you racist if you misspell the protagonist's name in both the episode title and the 2nd sentence of the review?

I thought there were a few years where they did it on Thanksgiving, Christmas, and/or New Years, but I could be mis-remembering, and it was back in the days of independent local TV stations who programmed all kinds of weird marathons before the major TV corps gobbled them up.

Submitted for your approval… (Hey, whatever happened to that other venerable Thanksgiving TV tradition?)