I Do Not Approve

You pay me to kill people you don't like. The evil notions come free.

You're good. Correcting people who are exactly wrong never stops being right.


I need help reacting to something.

I got a Community notification for…

1) Never heard of this, and my dad still hasn't come back from the cigarette store.
2) Ashes, ashes

"Lambesis also recently raised $78,000 from fans to fund his Schwarzenegger-mocking side project, Austrian Death Machine."

Set your jealousy generators to maximum value!
I will be DVRing Rectify, I haven't watched the pilot from last week yet but I plan to.

@avclub-5934f8d8c7553f3a03d2f898e03d721c:disqus Chris, what movies do you non-snobs like?

What is Chris Conley?

Now this guy here, he really gets us, you know?

THIS JUST IN!  "Didn't" is also a word. TL:DnR is not a thing.

Oh, thank God.

I'm not gonna write you a comment, cause you ask for it!

Blorch minus.

is it a good site?  should the rest of us also click it?

On what is a near-perfect gem of an album, the one line that always klunks harshly for me is:
Where there was never any mystery /
Of who shot John F. Kennedy

Ashley Judd?  She's history's greatest monster!!

Step 0.5: Have the Sklar brothers killed.

I already do.  Now when it finally happens I'll just be bored and wish they had gotten to it 9 episodes ago.