
Reporters do it more than anyone, I think. When a sad news story involving a child comes on the news you can bet some reporter will be putting on the concerned/frowny face to opine, "As a parent, I really feel for these people." Which leaves me screaming at the television, "Of course anyone without children couldn't

KARATE KID TWO?? I mean, not even KKI?

from where it was stolen in 1951.

I would disagree with not considering Titanic to have a solo female lead. The movie is much more Rose's story than Jack's - his role is ultimately to further her growth as a person.

What do folks think about men like Spenser (Parker's character) or Boothe from Bones. Men with strong sense of doing the right thing, but realize they live in the real world and when it comes to equality strong believers in it. To me Spenser and Boothe are men I kind of aspire to be, except Spenser is witty. Thoughts?

Jordan Belfort completely destroyed many people's lives, he made over a million in advances for his two books, he is not paying back the restitution he agreed to, and he is completely unrepentant for being a disgusting piece of shit. Of course he conned DiCaprio.

Maybe if the corpse were winking. :)

Just keep commenting and then it will all be hidden under the collapsed discussion! Like this reply right now!

I get why people hate the ending, but I have to say that no other ending would have felt right for me given these characters, and their issues.

Agreed. Everything I want to say contains a spoiler.


LOL. We must've been thinking the same thing...

I was thinking the EXACT same thing. We should discuss in other parts of the internets

Before I scrolled down to see the whole cover, my immediate mental image of "sock-wearing Ben Affleck" was entirely different than what it turned out to be.

If he talks shit about Bode Miller, I'm all for it.

There's no "we". The choice was this woman's to make, and Texas ignored it, and her husband's/the father's to make, and Texas ignored it. This is not your body, spouse, family, fetus, or money.

This is the first article I've read on the matter that took the trouble to spell out the precise nature of the Little Sister's complaint, in order to point out exactly where the legal absurdity of it lie. Thank you for this. It's easy to snark about the subject; what you've done is informative reporting.

or we just said fuck it and dropped

I understand the concept of "bad boys" being hard to resist, but Beiber just comes off as more of a rogue toddler. I'm a bit unsettled.

HE looks photoshopped in.