
Guys, the Biggest Loser is some disgusting and exploitative garbage, and there are good arguments to be made that they're promoting some really unhealthy and disturbing ideas. But let's not concern-troll this woman who we don't know, and whose health we don't know anything about.

She doesn't look "unhealthily skinny." It's not as if her MBI is 14. Would you say that someone 3lb over the 'normal' BMI range is "unhealthily fat"?

Pretty much all I'm getting from this article and the comments is that concern trolling someone's body/weight is totally fine as long as everyone agrees that she Much. Too. Thin. 'Kay.

She looks great. I have a BMI of 18.3 and my doctors are completely fine with it. It's not as if she ended up with loads of loose skin through the crash diet (not that I'd recommend that method), so there's no need to concern troll her.

Gahh everything about this story makes me soooooo mad

For the love of god, please stop comparing cigarettes to candy, chips, and soda.

This is so great. I mean, they are a business so of course it's not wholly altruistic and they're not looking at it as giving up revenue but it's part of a larger growth plan in a different direction, but that doesn't really matter. What most people see is that a place that's everywhere, on the corner, and a giant

"Instead, she got the easy-woman edit and a scolding about sexual propriety from a guy proudly wearing multiple women's spit."

I've never seen this show and I'm a domestic violence survivor, so I'm probably not qualified to comment and am likely overreacting. But when he says, "I don't like it when you don't look at me," I see RED FLAGS EVERYWHERE.

Example for his daughter?

Has anyone else noticed that he talks to some of the women as if they are children?

Good things there aren't gays on this show, though. We're much more difficult to explain to your daughter than late-night ocean sex with strangers.

He also seemed to think telling her, "Stop crying. I want you to stop crying" was sufficient to make her feel better after he basically called her a strumpet. Her reaction that she didn't want to "disrespect" his preschool daughter was really bizarre too. And it was really abrupt the way he kissed the mom to shut

*ahem* Jason Mesnick dumped Melissa for Molly, not Deanna. I'm now going to go throw myself in Lake Michigan for knowing that.

The do-wop cover is dangerously catchy because the original song is dangerously catchy. I hate it and I can't not listen to it.


How, exactly, does showing emotion after losing a loved one make someone a "pussy"? I'm a dude, and when I lost my grandparents, I cried. I have no shame about that because human beings are allowed to have emotions, including grief and sadness.


I liked the ad, a lot, though it did bother me that they sent their pink girly toys off into space. I liked legos and rockets, but I also liked Barbies and stuffed animals. There is nothing wrong with having the choice to like either one. As long as its a choice.

Those are my favorite moments, when someone rises up and shines on the world stage and just takes it. He was super cute with his Dorothy Hamill hair.