
That's a bad poll question. The answer "legal only under certain circumstances" comprises a vast range of opinions. It includes the person who thinks it should only be allowed to save the life of the mother. It also includes those who think you shouldn't be able to abort a viable 8-month fetus, but are otherwise

We don't get to any good policy by playing some sort of charade that somehow one party doesn't care about women

I'm on Wellbutrin and Prozac. I went on Wellbutrin first and it helped, but the Prozac is the one that really got me back to me. I think they sort of cancel out each other's side effects.

I cut off my kitty's basement exploration session today when she became fascinated with the sump pump hole. She's giving me the death glare now.

I can't even stand to watch the video. I could die from the vicarious awkwardness.

Citing MLK Day, or Memorial Day or Veterans' Day for that matter, in an ad is tacky. But it reflects the truth, which is that our holidays, which were set aside to honor things, are to most people just a day off. How many of us have posted on Facebook, "Thanks to those who made the ultimate sacrifice!" and then gone

My natural weight and chest size give me the torso of a 13 year old boy.

I've seen this so many damn times. Women with graduate degrees, don't bother messaging me!

That's PJ. I had Sweet Roses PJ and she was the prettiest thing ever.

Coulda been worse. Coulda been pink.

Well, we can feel a little better about that, because Aliens was rated R, and the only other R on that list was Platoon. R movies make less money because their audience is by definition restricted.

I love Spenser. He's reflective. He realizes that there's not always a perfect solution, and that the best solution may not be what society would consider "right."

I find it difficult to discuss my feels about this photo without spoiling the book.

I found a guy on Match today who I think is trying to do the same thing. The profile talks about flunking out of rehab and having kids he doesn't support.

I learned about center of gravity doing that test. Freshman year I was the shit; I hung way longer than any of the other girls. It was pretty much the only time I was ever good at something in gym class. The following year I couldn't hang for a second.

Is there a Mulan set for the less-endowed?

Wish those NY temperatures were true right now. I'm just outside the city. It's single-digits here.

Scrooge McDuck is the coolest, and the original Carl Barks duck comics are awesome. They inspired Raiders of the Lost Ark, for cryin' out loud!

Recently a guy from Match asked me out on an "exercise date." He thought it would be fun to work out at my gym together, then get something to eat. His profile was all FITNESS EXERCISE TRAINING HEALTH FITNESS ALL THE TIME. I was like, we are not meant for each other.

A lot of guys write things like, "I like a woman who's into fitness and takes care of her body." It scares me off, because while I am quite skinny, I'm not fit and I hate exercise.