
Good luck trying to get Americans to boycott cookies, GOP.

Like, dude, seriously? Do you even PubMed—I mean, Jezebel?

Actually, reproductive freedom includes access to contraception and other women's health issues. 98% of American women use contraception at some point in there lives and fully half for women's health issues other than pregnancy prevention. The war on women comes in when the congressional committees that met to discuss

Oh my god, you really think that? I feel kinda silly for not considering it.

Drugging people without their consent is wrong.

Cats don't see it as a barrier; they see it as a challenge.

I think you may be confusing nice guys with Nice Guys (TM).

It's fine to be sad and upset. It's not fine to vilify someone for wanting one kind of relationship with you but not another, especially if the other person has been clear and you have not.

Was I the only one who rooted against Ducky in Pretty in Pink in favor of James Spader?

Here is a brief list of people who have each won more Grammy Awards than Justin Bieber: Hillary Clinton. Bill Clinton. Jimmy Carter. Barack Obama. Al Gore.

Made me remember this:

Meh. We've celebrated, watched and visited worse.


My father was a fireman and, if I learned one thing, it is to absolutely not go back into a burning building once you are out. You will most probably die.

Aww jeez.

Is there a level 0 or perhaps -1, the kind that just mysteriously *goes away*, like when you have to sneeze and then you just don't?

Gillibrand is the absolute shit, and I'm willing to give her the benefit of the doubt. In a quick sound bite, she's not going to give us a footnoted essay on socialization, patriarchy and structural inequality. I think she's just trying to say that it's easier as a woman to try to make nice and smooth feathers,

Okay, this sucks in general, and companies do take way advantage, BUT - the screenshot from the Gap doesn't actually reference MLK or use him specifically in anyway. Online retailers "extending" weekend sales is not all that uncommon.

I Have A Coupon

As far as I can tell from reading other news sources, she may have gotten pregnant on a visit home to El Salvador. If I read one more joke about "the immaculate conception" from people who do not understand what that means I will scream.