
It is totally guy code for "no fat chicks". since you are skinny you qualify as "taking care of yourself." He won't care if you can't climb a flight of stairs, esp. if you are light enough for him to carry you up them on his back.

yeah, only one. and honestly, sometimes you think, ok, i shoudl in theory not have to wade through as many d-bags but man, it just seems like you wade through fewer d-bags.

Yes, even to men who are like 20 years older than that. You have men who have never married who are like 50 who still feel "entitled" to women in their early 30's or younger so they can have kids.

Blech, that sounds awful. I literally cannot think of a worst first date, except for maybe going to a strip club.

David Justice is not justice either.

Known serial rapist and pedophile who has never been punished for his disgusting crimes dies violently, after a life of sexual violence towards women, some of them (all of them?) underage. Cry me a fucking river.

Take note, world- vigilante justice is what happens when actual law enforcement channels don't take crimes seriously.

It seems that I think I'm way more attractive than these dudes think I am.

We really should define religious liberty so we all know what each religion expects. As an agnostic, apparently our religion decrees that we get to take dogs anywhere and candy is free, and the government needs to respect that. Don't tread on me.

I can feel the self esteem of many men deflating as we speak.

Um, Rebecca? A word? Applause is the BOMB, and I don't like anything Gaga puts out. That's all.

Expectation of privacy and expectation of commercial exploitation are two different things.

Crazy thought here:

Here here! Refusal to immunize should be a cause for a visit from Child Services. It not just their kids these obliviots are putting at risk, its every kid.

Man! What a bunch of Grumpy McGrumpersons! (I know how much everyone likes that phrase and any permutation of it.)

Seems reasonable. After all, the Mormon church has admitted black people are acceptable in their doctrine since ALL THE WAY BACK IN 1978.

Don't knock it till you've tried it.

Meh, you get over it with practice. Having a partner who will laugh with you, and not at you, when you're really bad at it helps, too.

To answer the headline's question, I definitely do.

Oh, yay! I can finally download that song. I really liked it until R. Kelly showed up. >_<