
A friend of mine was one of the engineers on the shuttle program, via Martin-Marietta. He was returning to Florida from a visit to family and his flight was waiting to land as the Challenger was taking off. In fact, the pilot made a point of having a holding pattern so the passengers *could* watch the launch. Instead,

OK. Everyone please proceed to make your own "iPAD" jokes here, because I'm sure as hell not doing it.

I don't know how you can borrow a tampon.

Well it was the closer side, and the women from the show also opened that door. I'm just surprised she was even still standing :-)

Because nobody knows who the hell Steve Reich is.

Lindy, I think you mean Commander Scobee's *widow*

He is worse at being a person than most ducks.

Urban Dictionary defines* it as the removal of dingleberries.

*Not YET, but it should...

Just because the drug might enable perfect pitch, it doesn't enable a nice voice.

I don't believe when you see a person in person especially family at Christmas or a birthday you need to send a card, but if someone sends you something in the mail, I think a card is pretty much mandatory. I do believe if you take the time and call it's even better. I would even accept an email or a pm on Facebook.

I definitely wouldn't say phone calls are lazy. I mean, I would gladly send the most thought out and effort-laden thank you card of all thank you cards if it means I don't have to talk on the phone.

I mean it's pretty sad when the only way you know someone got what you sent is that you see they cashed the check. Had the time to make it to the bank I see, but not the post office.

Not really a fan of football- but her NFL commercial with her under her team's blanket (Packers, I think?) while she's in the hospital? Tears, every goddamn time. She seems sweet and I like her SOO much better than a lot of the AM personalities.
Good luck to her and her family!

I'm in precisely the same position. I have heard rumours of an invitation thread but I have never seen this mythical beast.

Why have I never heard this before? This picture is significantly improving my life right not, not even joking.

In the expansion pack, the outcast girls stand around on the sidemaking sarcastic comments, then go home with one of the sound crew.

The nocebo effect is a real thing, and many people have literally worried themselves ill. Really, what the company should have done is put the employee on leave until she gave birth instead of firing her.

Well thank you for being here to help educate! I am so tired of the "white women accuse black men all the time of rape because they are ashamed to say it was consensual" or the good ol' "the girl was drunk and they guy never called her back so clearly she is lying about being raped". When in actuality false reports

Women of all races have a long history on this planet of being raped. And not being believed. How about that injustice? Does that interest you at all? Or just the ones supposedly done to star athletes?

No, I posted it because the police completely botched the investigation which made it impossible to bring up charges. I posted it because I actually read some of the documents with victim's testimony on what happened that night. I posted it because of our culture where people can be above the law simply because