
Why the hate for soaps? Erica Kane (Susan Lucci's character) had one back in the 70's, IIRC. And Nancy Lee Grahn (who was on GH for ages and may still be, for all I know) has always a huge supporter of women's right to choose and founded an organization called "Daytime for Choice" which has had LOTS of support from

My husband's birthday is on Christmas. He kind of hates them both now. I try really hard to make them special for him. Sometimes that means offending an entire bakery department. You know. Whatever.

This is absolutely the (best/worst) day ever for the Cowboys. Romo is an (excellent/average/awful) quarterback, and when he takes a snap, you can count on him to (lead with vision, even if his receivers and offensive line perpetually let him down/throw a pick so precisely that it looks as though he was targeting the

Pretty sure the McDLTs demise had more to do with the demise of foam containers more than anything else.

This is beautiful.

I'm so sorry you went through that. I really, really am - you have all the hugs, if you want them.

But you wouldn't have had to explain that in your post, simply re-worded how you said it. Instead of generalizing those without children, simply speaking to your own experience would have expressed your feelings, in a way

Sorry, the fact that you have children does not give you greater empathic abilities than those without children.

Your comment should read: "Before *I* had kids I'd read shit like this and think "that's awful"... Then after *I* had kids ..." Just because becoming a parent made you more empathetic to children dying needlessly does not mean that childless people in general do not or cannot feel completely horrified by something

"You'll pry my sex toy out of my cold dead hand!" ...and then clean it and arrange it attractively, clasped on my abdomen, for my family to view as they shuffle by.

My Hitachi Magic Wand was the best purchase of 2013. When I die, throw it out (if I die soon.. I don't know how long those things last). But really, it seems like weird extra baggage from the dead wife. New relationship, new sex toys.

Fuck you, Depression!

Ugh, I hate those. The ones who are at the end of the line but sprint to the cashier that JUST opens up? Poor manners. The best cashiers are the ones who open up and say, "Can I help who's next." Good for the observant and kind cashier who helped you :)

A&E hired a family of rednecks, then react with shock when one of them actually says something that a redneck would say. This is why reality television sucks.

As has mine with the thought of Crazy Old Uncle Joe losing it at 'giant queefing snow-woman' XD

"So a dude had to hold it open and they had to barrel in against the strong wind blowing out."

THis reminds me of the chocolate santa that looks like a penis when unwrapped. seriously WTF. Do I just have a dirty mind? Because when I see shit like this I think "WHO THE FUCK DIDN'T THINK THIS LOOKED LIKE A VAGINA BEFORE THEY OK'D IT FOR PRODUCTION". Why couldn't it be a slit in the side with a giant window in

It's pretty telling that the only way they can get all those false rape accusations they whine about is to manufacture them themselves.

When my fiancee agrees with me when I really think he shouldn't, I actually get more pissed off because he's not being honest.

"Petit larceny" is the best typo ever. It makes larceny so classy.

Here is mine: buy package of Nestle Toll House Cookies (chocolate chip lovers) that break off into squares. Break off three cookies per night and bake at 325 for 16 minutes. Remove from oven. Dip cookies in glass of milk whilst simultaneously guarding glass of milk from certain attack and consumption by extremely