
He is being deliberately obtuse. Can we all stop feeding him now?

No one finds rape acceptable.

I don't get why people like you insist on pretending that two conflated issues are the same thing after being repeatedly corrected on it, but here, I'll correct you again anyway:

Most of my friends like Michael Jackson and Lennon. I've quietly expressed my dislike for both of them. I always feel like the "odd man out" because I don't piss myself with glee over "Thriller" playing at a wedding. Or grunt and groan when "Imagine" comes on.

Woody Allen, Michael Jackson, R. Kelley, Chris Brown, Roman Polanski, Ben Rothliesberger, Jameis Wilson, Julian Assange, many. So many.
And the most morally bankrupt argument I've heard on excusing and dismissing the horror of their actions is, "But they are artists/athletes/whistleblowers! The world NEEDS

R. Kelly, Lennon, and Michael Jackson: Three people who make my skin crawl because they pretty much got away with their crimes and everyone seems to love them.

Not gonna lie, I was pretty disappointed Jezebel didn't eviscerate Lady Gaga for featuring R Kelly on a track called "Do What You Want With My Body." URGH.

Actually, that was the one part that had me thinking, 'oh, here we go - of course.' I was actually going to say I was happy that they only slipped in that one focus on the "impact of the media". But you're right, very effective by showing it at the therapists office!

I'd like to add impatient people to this list. This includes both:

Oh, you forgot to add:

Just Purchased Fast Food Meal of Questionable Origin Before Boarding and Now I am Going To Nom Nom In Your Ear Whilst Simultaneously Subjecting You To The Stench of My Lukewarm Sack o' Carcinogenic Meat Byproducts.

I take an Ativan before every flight because I am scared to death the kid is going to annoy people. She never does*, but I have serious anxiety over it.

Because they're shitty parents.

Ever notice how everything thats great gets made in spite of executives, not because of them? Why the hell do these people have control of the money??

It's difficult to put a color lens on these accusations when we don't know the race of the accuser. Also, "prominent sports player" isn't as vulnerable as a normal black man. I agree that race might be part of why everyone's assuming he did it. However, it's really the "prominent athlete" part that seems to be the

Innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. This is not a court of law, he is not being bared from being a football player, and I don't see why his being accused of rape should not be considered in awarding him a trophy.

The problem is bigger than Winston, but I'm not going to stop kicking against Winston getting an award at least partly grounded in "integrity."

Anyone who is surprised by this need look no further than Ben Roethlisberger and Kobe Bryant. This is completely par for the course.

And that's a bullshit reinterpretation that was used to justify why the hell Cam Newton won. I swear I'd never heard anybody frame it like that before then. In theory, the committee considers integrity, full stop.

Once again, the mission statement of the Heisman Trust:

That is probably a good point, except for—