
Crazypants. At my school, if the kid's account is in the red, they'll still serve them whatever they order for a few days, and they send home reminders. After that, they limit it to cold sandwiches, but THE KID STILL GETS TO EAT.

Pillsbury Cinnamon Rolls are my latest obsession. I made some Thursday. If I swallowed a jagged piece of plastic, I've had no ill effects. And anyway? WORTH IT.

And whoa, does she ever look like both her parents!

Where can I get an "I'm pro-cat and I vote!" bumper sticker?

Me either. And whenever a student asks me how to spell awesome, I say "A-W-E/S-O-M-E!"

I've been watching it this summer, which has been super fun because they're bringing back like every character and storyline from the last half century, and I've been watching since about 1980. But the Richard Simmons thing was so bizarre. It was this big cliffhanger, who's crashing the wedding? And it's Richard

My brothers, my two girl next door neighbors, and I used to play Star Wars.

My name's Virginia, too, and I hate it, and I'm still mad at my parents for doing that to me. Virginia, have you been to Virginia? Virginia, are you a virgin? Virginia, do you have a vagina? I considered changing it, but by the time I was 18, I had too many school records and I thought it would be too much trouble.

Abdominal migraines are most common in children. I'm betting that many of the chronic pain sufferers in the study are actually having abdominal migraines. Adults who get migraines are more likely to suffer from anxiety and depression as well.

If I don't ever SEE the movie, the character didn't die, so I've never seen Bambi.

I found Catching Fire far more interesting before the Quell actually starts, all the signs that rebellion is coming. Once they get in the arena, the tension is gone and a lot of what happens is pretty pointless.

What are you talking about? Cinna is fine! CINNA IS FINE!

The Lord provided... a place to shower!

Sharia law alive and well in the USA!

There's also the presumption that an adult only lives with parents out of financial necessity. I lived with my parents for many years while I saved my money, and last year I bought myself an awesome house.

If I ever have a pet, I'm totally naming it in this fashion.

When I was in college I never masturbated. For awhile I didn't even know what it was (the first time I watched that Seinfeld episode, I had no idea what they were talking about. For realz.) Then people actually started making fun of me for saying I'd never tried it.

He should make an appointment with his GP to get an antidepressant. Prozac saved my dad's life in the same situation.

I bought a house last year (yay me) and it's the first time I've lived alone. I was really nervous about it, and for the first few months it was shitty because I was also dealing with a breakup, so LONELY.