
I got a gift subscription to Birchbox and it had some good things, but I don't wear a lot of makeup. Mostly I'm obsessed with nail polish. I'd love a $10 service to get mini nail polishes. Julep costs too much. Lacquerous sounds interesting, but you have to send them back, not keep them.

Absolutely. My favorite random friend moment was when Monica was trying to put drops in Rachel's eyes, but Rachel was keeping her eyes closed. Monica asked, "How many fingers am I holding up?" when she's not actually holding up any. Rachel guesses four and Monica says, "Oh my God, I was thinking four!" They laugh.

Well, if it's a Nice Guy, we cannot be nice enough. If it's a Nice Guy, we are not allowed to reject him.

Me too, with the texture. Coconut is the worst for me. I like the flavor of it. I'll happily drink a pina colada. But coconut candy or frosting, bleah.

I'm an inordinately picky eater. I literally have a fear of putting something in my mouth and having it taste bad. I won't even try things.

Well, I learned from Splash that you can survive underwater as long as you are with a mer-person, but also that you can never return to land. So it would seem you could marry the merman, but you can't fuck and run.

This is why, just to be safe, I've never eaten salad.

When I had various dollhouses as a kid, I was always upset that they lacked staircases. How will Barbie get to the second floor? How? The greatest thing ever was the Little People staircase that fit the Little People house. It was like the answer to a prayer!

Hey, it was Texas. As long as he didn't have any tampons in the car, he was fine.

"If you're not happy, you can become happy. Happiness is a choice. That's the thing I really feel."

I absolutely LOVED Fashion Plates. I tried to find something like it for my niece a few years ago. There was a Barbie one, and she enjoyed it, but it was NOT the same.

I know it's blasphemy in this day and age, but I think if you don't have money for a down payment, you shouldn't be spending $50,000 on a wedding.

Kinda like Rule 34. There is porn of it, and there is a sex toy of it.

I have a similar-but-not-quite situation with my favorite shirt. It's a great color for me, flattering, feminine style. Every single time I wear it I get compliments from co-workers, friends, family, even if they've seen it before. And from strange sources, like a friend's 7 year-old son?

I hate diet everything. A few years ago when I was having BC-induced weight gain, I tried to switch to diet hot chocolate, because I put hot chocolate in my coffee every day (try. it.) I found out that pretty much all artificial sweeteners give me bloating and gas. Yay fun!

I'm trying to figure out the social media equivalent of nailing 95 theses to the church door.

I knew this. I learned this maybe a month ago. My brain forgot it until JUST NOW. I think my brain chose to forget it, because it's so... what were we talking about?

I can imagine the conversation.