
I pictured Reese as I was reading the book. I've read a lot of sentiment online today that hates her for this part, but I think it's perfect.

Oh, we absolutely do it, too. If I rejected guys in real life the way I exclude them online, I'd never have been with my ex. He doesn't have a college degree. OUT! He smokes. OUT! And like sixty other things.

If only there were a way for Chinese men to grow baby boys in pods so they wouldn't need women at all.

I always flush 'em. I used to use flushable applicators, too, but my brand stopped making them.

I love how she thinks the Republicans got their asses handed to them last November because they weren't conservative enough.

Oh please God let him beat Christie for the nomination.

Yes, but that's the women's fault. When men do it, it's the porn's fault.

So. Women are supposed to resist all temptations, hold an aspirin between their knees, etc.

And let's celebrate freedom and liberty! Especially the inalienable right to take away the rights of others if we find them icky.

I cried my way out of grand jury duty, but the tears were completely legit.

That's me. And almost everybody I work with.

Yup. I could have written that. The worst part is that it seems impossible to get out of it. Everyone says, "Be happy! Nobody wants to be with someone who is depressed/desperate/etc."

I want to marry the Oxford comma. And Milky Way bars. It'll be a polygamous marriage.

My brother had a candy table. But the wedding party arrived at the reception last (pictures,) so none of us got any candy. :(

Hell yes. I don't even wink at guys on Match if they list an Ayn Rand as a favorite book.

Are you fucking kidding me? Because someone is thin and therefore "privileged," it is OK to suggest she is not a real woman?

I loved Timothy Dalton. Licence to Kill is one of my favorites. I don't like "Skyfall" that much either, but I like how it's reminiscent of the old Shirley Bassey ones.

I've been on it since August. At first I thought it was the greatest, but now I'm less sure about it. It definitely helped in the initial stages of depression; it made my thinking clearer. After a couple of months, I actually felt like myself again.

On the contrary, I cannot hear that enough!

I stood next to him once!