
FWIW I got Killmonger as literally one of the first two or three cards once I decided to move up to Pool 2 and have been absolutely wrecking Kazoo decks. I play move but Killmonger instead of Forge and I’ve cause more than a few of retreats after I ruined their day. Playing Killmonger/Nova and then a 1-cost Miles/Iron

How DARE you have a reasoned, well though-out discussion! Take my star. 


Firstly, we’re not talking about the obscenely priced $70 games from AAA publishers—we’re talking about $20 indie games, and no one is suggesting they can “afford” to have them priced so low. Secondly, it’s scummy for all the reasons I carefully lay out in the article.

As great as Jack is, Shelley Duvall absolutely did the heavy lifting in that movie. I think she received the criticism she did because the way she portrayed a completely terrified abuse victim was *real*, and that makes people uncomfortable.

Well, I don’t think it’s a big deal in the slightest, and was just writing up a lighthearted thing that keeps coming up in our Slack. I’m dreadfully sorry this ruined your day.

I’ve seen this sentiment on few posts (most statements with far more acidity than yours) and don’t think I can let it go by unaddressed any longer: I assure you the site is not ignoring Mike’s devastating passing. Grief doesn’t operate on a timeline. Mike was crucial figure in many of our lives—in my mind, the most

If you’re going to release meager political statements purely for marketing purposes then your employees have a right to push back and actually test you on it. Especially with a law that effects every woman in the country despite only being supported by about 30% of its people.

Holy crap, no mention of Data from Star Trek: The Next Generation?

Accept that you’re a whiner. 

I really don’t understand why this website hates this guy so much.

Did you seriously just claim that Elon Musk not only invented electric cars, but did it entirely by himself? Wow, he really has convinced his cult that he’s the real life Tony Stark.

Well he figured out how to land rockets back on earth after launching them and figured out how make electric cars

No, "he" didn't.

So, I actually get this one. “I’m sorry you feel that way” reads as “I’m sorry that your feelings are wrong”.

Good question! That’s actually exactly what they do. Swifts can perform unihemispheric sleep, where one half of their brain sleeps (and one eye closes) at a time. Cycling from one side of their brain to the other, they can get as much sleep as they need while also staying aloft.

Are you being deliberately obtuse or are you actually dull enough to not get the absolute basics of why pausing is a good thing for games to let you do?

Russia nets money to use against Ukraine. If that’s not simple enough to explain why this is bad, then um...
