
Affinity, from Serif, remains one low-cost purchase for a perpetual license. I’ve used it for the better part of the last decade after refusing to play Adobe’s game and I love it.

With that said, Serif also said they wouldn’t touch AI and had no plans to sell, but were just acquired by Canva. Canva claims the perpetual

That's Lucario

I’m just here for the inevitable uproar over your character screenshots

I think seven paragraphs is worth at least a nickel. 

That’d make sense if Lords of the Fallen dramatically changes the standard Soulsborne combat loop like Sekiro - and to an extent Lies of P - did, but it doesn’t. I also don’t see many of the reviews at all making that complaint, instead attributing the problems to ‘false’ difficulty like cheap traps and an

This is the same old Inception top spinning question. The real answer? It doesn’t matter. Really good ambiguous endings are effective not because of the cliff hanger but because because the actual truth is irrelevant; the characters’ personal truths are what’s important to the story. Sure, you could say Carpenter is

The button consumes something you own and have paid money for without asking, and its strategic placement suggests this behavior is intentional. So yes, it IS bad!

well, as this is a science fiction and fantasy vertical that often covers toys... no... we have literally zero plans to cover Oppenheimer, which is not in our remit at all

Man, it’s almost like these are completely different games with different mechanics and different target audiences.

Your mother worked out pretty well for Fortnite, Apex Legends and Warzone, fuck off

Hey that’s completely reductive and totally unfair!

You’re likely underestimating just how major a change it is to add an open world and mount to the Dark Souls formula. With Dark Souls games while players are able to choose where they’re going, most of the level design is fairly linear. So when players come across an obstacle, you don’t have much choice except beating

It’s always a big deal when companies slash benefits for employees, even if the company is a shitty one.

To summarize the objections:

That little trash can broke my heart when he wouldn’t leave the house.

Typical press reporting both sides of an multifaceted story, amirite?

Both can be true at the same time.

I agree, Diego Luna did was good in rogue one but the movie just didn't do a lot with him. 

buT hE iS sElF mAdE gEnIuS sPaCe CaR tUbE sOcIaL mEdIa EnGiNeEr!