
And there’s a huge difference between “loud” and “asshole in a supercar” loud. I live near a highway in Brooklyn. It’s VERY loud. If I open my windows it’s a constant roar. But it’s constant and doesn’t vary much so I can tune it out.

Except why shouldn’t you?

I honestly can’t relate to that... Yeah, the show wasn’t trying that hard to hide it was him. But “who is under the mask” was clearly never a core mystery of the show, so that doesn’t really bother me.

My partner and I screamed at that moment. She was by far my favorite character here.

Wait, weren’t they in The Rise of Skywalker? I thought that’s who Kylo fights when he’s on the Sith planet (the name of which eludes me). Doesn’t he call them “his knights” earlier in the film?

In Legends stuff. All the EU stuff that came before Disney’s reboot of the expanded universe. A LOT of background stuff that about species has changed. Nothing was known, afaik, about Cerean lifespan in the new EU before now. 

Ahhhhh, I had thought both took place at the same general time period. Thank you for the correction! That’s helpful because I had been generally wondering why no one was talking about the Nihil or Drengir. But I’m still in the phase 1 stuff so I don’t know what comes next so couldn’t judge if that was weird or not. 

I don’t really mind having some appearances since this is only 100 years earlier, as I’m okay with species having varying life spans. I appreciate that this is a glimpse of the jedi knight Ki-Adi-Mundi, at a different point in his career, and otherwise not about him.

I mean, the egos of private equity people aren’t exactly thick skinned.

Amazon prime was at least an actual fucking service, with costs that would scale based on how many people were using it, and for how long. That’s where it makes SENSE to have a subscription fee.

I don’t know what to feel about it. It’s not fast or dynamic enough to be hack and slash. But it also doesn’t look tactical.

Disabled because they weren’t happy with commenters calling out Jim Spanfeller and his bullshit in the Kotaku comment section after he told Kotaku to stop focusing on game news and write game guides instead. Former EIC resigned and readers rebelled.

They disabled comments after the latest bit of bullshit they pulled on trying to force writers to pivot away from games news in favor of game guide content. Former EIC quit and they disabled comments so people couldn’t criticize the company anymore. Like they did with Deadspin previously (and others, iirc?).

For 1, I agree with Meh. The only legitimately good/great parts of the movie are the pod race and the maul duel at the end.

Nah, both The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi are good movies. They might not be good parts of a trilogy, and my god did Disney flop the landing, but they’re both good movies. TLJ might have been somewhat divisive, but I know far more people who liked it (many of whom it’s one of their favorites) than I know who

Wait, which of the pieces in this are one-offs? Everything I can see is an existing brick (though possibly in new colors). It uses classic bricks, tecnik pieces, and bionicle pieces. And that’s been standard for lego sets for a LONG time now, and each set is compatible with other sets.

Yep that sounds exactly like his kind of bullshit.

God what happened now?

Yeah, that was a big disappointment.

Which itself doesn’t need to be a problem, if there’s a culture of cultivating talent and creativity. Yeah, a studio might go in different directions with changing talent, but that doesn’t need to be a bad thing.