
I’ve played it. I have about 15 hours into it, so I’m speaking from experience.

Just don’t play games that turn you into a cranky old boomer

Sensationalism implies a lack of accuracy. What do you think is inaccurate here?

There’s nothing positive to write about NFTs in games. If someone actually manages to come up with some good use for them along with a mining system that is energy efficient and that won’t get exponentially worse over the years, then maybe there will be positive words to say.

Because crypto fucking sucks and the only people that think otherwise are the ones buying into the scheme?

The last half (and the opening) is the Imperial March

I love how you think it’s kids complaining about movies (“scroll tiktoks” jesus wept, what are you, fifty-eight?), not middle-aged people. This is about bladders and carving out three hours (on top of getting there any back) to go to the cinema, and whether it’s actually worth doing that. Three hours when you’re a

Haha cool being poor and not being able to afford expensive body work or a new vehicle altogether is definitely tacky, great stuff.

Poorly just seemed.... kinder than non existent. I think they tested the waters and decided that, at least at the time, the current model was more profitable than a sub service. GamePass has challenged that idea and I think Sony will move to strenghten their offering this Spring. 

It’s amazing how much you wrote, and still failed to grasp the main point.

Yeah it’s dramatically better. I’ve had my Dbrand DarkPlates since the first wave in April or whenever that was.

First photo I saw on my camera roll so I’ll use it.

I’d prefer getting Omicron than going to Anime-Con.

Yes. The answer is yes.

our recipes are under the “recipes” tab. thanks so much for reading

If I had to guess Michelle Yeoh falls more into "Total Bad Ass" and "Absolute Smoke Show"

A blonde surfer bear that likes surfing (duh), nature, and solitude while disliking insensitivity and city life...

Love the arguments from both of ya’ll.

“My fellow broheimians, where is the game coverage and why is there so much politics establishing residence where aforementioned coverage should be?”

Let’s face it, no level of competency or achievement could justify those salaries. It’s far more wealth than could ever be earned or deserved.