
I entirely agree - her actions are dumb as hell. I’m just responding to the idea that the book market isn’t a competitive one when it absolutely is.

Just because you don’t think about those things being in competition doesn’t mean they aren’t. And a huge part of that is because it’s easy to file something into the “I’ll get to it eventually” label.

Sure, but just because you have more money than you have time doesn’t change the competitiveness of the industry. Because budgets aren’t infinite.

I’m actively looking to buy a new tv stand and hating having to think about how to house my PS5 in one. It’s such an eyesore buying a nice new piece of furniture feels horrible knowing that it’s going on/in there...

I mean, that’s really not true? Yeah, they don’t compete the way, say, blenders do where consumers are only gonna buy one.

This comments section is missing the point.

I interpreted that to mean something different, and that’s entirely my mistake, so apologies for that 

Paladins in 5E don’t need to follow any gods. Instead the idea is that they have such dedication to an oath they have taken that it gives them magical power.

it honestly also makes their spellcasting modifier be Charisma make more sense, since it’s about their power being based on externalizing their intense beliefs, rather than any specific magical or religious study.

In 5E Paladins receive their powers from the strength of their Oath.

I have one that’s drifting and one that isn’t.

That’s sorta the point, in a way.

I mean, it IS a huge branding element now, so I’m not exactly sure what your point is? Like any element of branding, it’s part of the package that does retain customers, and peeling off those elements weakens the brand and sheds customers.

I think all that is correct, but I think the core issue is even more basic, in a way. Like yeah - the need to explain everything is a general weakness that has become a relative weakness in a lot of larger IPs, especially since it’s so hard to balance making it interesting enough to be worthwhile but not so convoluted

Cataclysm remains the real turning point where WoW’s story became terrible, because the plot choices they made were just outrageously contrived.

They never actually use that label trans, but that’s mostly because everything is always from Chandler’s POV, and Chandler refuses to recognize her choices. It is made clear that she is living life as a woman, and that it’s not just a drag persona that she adopts for stage. We never see her dressed as a man, and the

lmao well played

It actually is a bit of a dog whistle term now.

This is what has gotten frustrating about modern conversations around identity politics.

You say this like it means something poignant, and it really doesn’t.