
Honestly, I feel like Scholastic’s misstep was in trying to sidestep anger by positioning this as a way to celebrate diverse voices. Because it never was, and it was always about trying to navigate the political hellscape.

Yeah, considering these consoles are typically sold at cost or at a loss? There’s only so much wiggle room on the pricing.

He didn’t say that. He said that the cinematographer has no clue who was the Thing in the end. He’s saying he can have a theory, like everyone else, but him having worked on the film doesn’t give him any more authority to know. If I guess who the thing was, correctly, I still don’t KNOW it. I don’t have a clue. 

I actually find it the complete opposite 0f smug.

Someone else gave me a notification on this post, but now I see this and I have to know - where does pin-through-an-egg fall for you on the no-sound to omg-death meter?

I mean, Kotaku had 14.3 million visitors in September and their bounce rate, average time spent, and average number of pages visited are all decent. So I’d hardly call that a pretty small readership, and “dozens” of people getting annoyed by it even remotely significant.

People not tailoring their behavior to your specific preferences is not trolling.

Sure, it’d be great for Microsoft to buy Nintendo. It’ll sure fix that whole, not releasing outside their own platform thing.

Yeah, I reaaaaaally don’t understand the mental gymnastics it takes to say that any of this was because of Sony’s reaction to the Activision Blizzard acquisition?

Unity will limit fees to 4% of a game’s revenue for customers making over $1 million,

As someone who rolled a Dwarf paladin... extra movement would be VERY welcome.

I have the Imperial Star Destroyer. I VERY MUCH want the Venator to go with it.

This is a level of price gouging your customers that is just absurd. Even the initial installation policy is just wildly disproportional.

This is the thing that confuses me about this game, tbh. The one thing I have generally felt that Bethesda games offered over a lot of other open world exploration ish games is that it felt rewarding to actually kind of look in nooks/crannies, to see what fun little stories the devs put into a place through

I totally love Hero Forge for just playing with creating a mini, but I really wish the end result was cleaner. Unless they’ve changed their process/plastic in recent years, they would end up with a dusty finish that would muddle detail when painted.

While I think the headpiece is really poor, I can ignore that. But I honestly don’t think Winstead is doing a great job. But I don’t think anyone is, honestly...

Yeah... that’s not at all how Ahsoka was in any of the EU stuff she was in. She’s had a range of emotions, a range of experiences, but she’s always been more... alive... than Dawson is playing her. Dawson is going deep into some kind of patient mysticism that just doesn’t feel like the character to me.

Two things:

Yeah, tbh, Bethesda sucks at main quest lines. Idk why, but I’ve never found them compelling. They actually start strong and I’m decently interested, but then they always sorta fall apart?

Honestly, I was extremely disappointed in Winstead’s performance. I struggle to believe she was given any background information about the character, let alone had actually watched any of Rebels...