
Gingersnaps is queer in the way that anything that neither demonizes nor objectifies the sexuality and bodies of young women. That feels fundamentally queer, no matter in what direction that sexuality is directed.

There’s such an obnoxious lack of queer representation in werewolf stories. A person who sneaks into the woods once a month to become a hairy beast, and let loose their inner, hedonistic, animal nature?

Ugh. Just the mentality which must motivate implementing that as a feature...

Honestly, while grindr and other dating apps might contribute, there’s a much more significant factor in why LGBTQIA+ people can struggle with flirting.

I just watched the trailer for the first time, and there are only 2 points where I thought that it didn’t sound like Martinet. And I don’t mean it being super obviously, just it landing a bit wrong.

Counterpoint: Thor: Ragnarok is an excellent movie and the primary issue with Thor: Love and Thunder is that it feels like it’s desperately trying to be Ragnarok instead of finding its own rhythms. Love and Thunder isn’t horrible, it’s just not good.

Yeah, I’m realizing just how much grinding I’d need to do to cap the battle pass and I’m really not feeling it now. Annoyed with myself for spending the money.

I’m not sure anyone is actually happy with the power levels of their class besides Necromancers, and some Druid builds.

When you clear certain dungeons, you’ll get an aspect added to your collection (codex of power) and you can always imprint from that. But they’re the weakest, base version of those effects. So like an effect that has a 13% trigger rate from the codex could, say, go up to 24% from item rolls or something.

I think Aspects have made it way, way worse. Because now there’s a whole new level to inventory management and comparing items, and inventory management already sucked. Now you have to not only figure out if an item is better, but if an item + an aspect you have access to is better (and the aspects might be in your

I will say, though, it didn’t have Pixar’s usual magic.

Yeah. When D3 first launched, I wasn’t particularly happy with it. By the time it ended, though? I was very happy.

Yeah, I am using that one, too. But it’s also pretty uninteresting. You’ll easily have SOME level of fortify nearly always, so it’s functionally exactly the same as having an aspect that’s just +2 to all earth skills.

I don’t mind Lucky Hit because it’s right there in the name - it’s a pretty powerful bonus effect that’s a pretty low chance to proc.

Honestly? I just don’t like their new damage / defense types in general. But of the new ones, the only one I actually like is vulnerable. Because it’s not dumb.

The problem I have with it is that Wanda could be an absolutely amazing villain, but that script wasn’t one that made her so.

I think the issue is that they failed to showcase their power. I get that a part of it was to highlight just how strong SW was, but since we basically ONLY saw them fight SW, and get ripped to shreds in seconds, it felt pretty flat to me. Which then made their inclusion feel empty. 

Correct me if I’m wrong, because I might be totally misremembering, but in D3, didn’t the seasonal content come to the normal game once the season ended? Like the new gear sets that enabled new builds and things?

Same. I profoundly disliked FFXV, and it was weird considering you could see the potential it could have had.

Hell, even then, I’m not going down in a submersible where I could get trapped in. 10 ft vs 1 inch under doesn’t matter if you can’t actually get out of the damn thing.