
Honestly, I don’t have a problem for these sorts of collection games existing in general. I think they are far too predatory in their implementation, and they should be more measured in the use of things like gacha mechanics, buying direct upgrades, etc. I also think plenty of them have to respect player time more,

Part of it is that they also added a lot more systems to make it more accessible to people. Elden Ring has a gentler difficulty climb, and a lower skill threshold to still access. It does a better job of taking people on the journey, where Dark Souls games were historically more about bashing your head against them

My partner bought me Gloomhaven years ago now and we still haven’t cracked it open.

In fairness, how many marvel movies have been spoiled because of Lego’s scheduled releases lmao

The funny thing is that I find Sam Rockwell to be the only particularly watchable part of the entire film. I always feel like he’s committed to the role in a way no one else in the film is to their own.

The Miss Marple section is missing my favorite Marple - Geraldine McEwan!

In what world is the myth “Lube is only for penis/vagina sex”?? I would have sooner said that this is what dispels that mytg, with most people thinking lube is meant for anal penetration...

This was my first thought, too. You almost never hear buzz about Lego trying to squash rumors, so it has to be something specific about this partnership.

The thing that gets left out with this take is that it exists within a larger context.

I’m allll for a shortcut in most places, but brownies isn’t one of them.

A public employee being paid for 15 months of vacation after murdering a child, when his entire job is to enforce said laws, is a whole lot more relevant than some random accountant doing something atrocious.

Yeah. Eternals DOES have some serious pacing issues, among other things, but I actually find it interesting as a film. Like it tries something different. It fails, but they really did try.

Not really. A huge number of people with prosthetics get around just fine, and if they can CGI out a leg for 2.3 movies, they sure can CGI in a leg for .7 of one instead.

All that’s fair! It was definitely far more of a visual spectacle, and less a heartfelt journey, than the first 2.

Excited to watch them either completely cut out Hiccup’s disability or cast a fully able-bodied actor to play the part.

While I admit I didn’t like the 3rd film as much as the first 2, I did still enjoy it quite a bit.

That went riiiiight over my head. I rescind my buzzkillingness - carry on. 

Or, modders should be recognized for their work and it’s weird that this mod made it into a release version of the game with no one from CDPR ever even reaching out to the modder for permission.

I think they’re trying to be antisemitic but their stupidity is self-defeating at every level. 

I didn’t say you couldn’t. You, the player, can choose to shoot him. You can order someone to shoot him. Or you can try to talk him down.