
“starting to be slightly less racist” isn’t really a glowing endorsement. She’s still the person who happily shoots Wrex on Virmire without a second thought when legitimately no one else in that situation, yourself included, thought it was necessary.

god that was beautiful to experience

I will grant you that cauliflower might be the easiest vegetable (besides, maybe, spinach) to easily go horribly, horribly wrong.

But... the article wasn’t how fuckable they were? It was how good of a boyfriend would they actually be. Kaiden is the good boyfriend guy. The reason he’s boring is because that’s ALL he is.

I.... VERY disagree about Jacob. I actually think a lot of his story is a direct repudiation about stereotypes about black men?

I mean, they’re not wrong. I adore Garrus but he’d be a terrible boyfriend.

I’ve legitimately never seen Ashley in ME2/3, in all my play throughs, because in a choice between boring and racist, I choose boring. I know she allegedly learns and grows by ME3, but Shepard doesn’t know that when making that choice.

Huh, the first time I’m on the side of the AI.

Oh yeah, I was thinking of generation. I never think of stuff like Let’s Go or Arceus as mainline, and the “third version” I always loop in with the original in my head. 

Maybe he meant an offshoot game?

Nintendo has always loooooved to take big leaps in innovation. So I’m really, really hoping this is more like gameboy -> gba. (or ds -> 3ds).

I mean, it’s a lot less necessary to cut the cost when the console itself starts out far more affordable. They did introduce a more affordable option with the Switch Lite at $200, and the standard Switch is $300.

Eh, the steamdeck is extremely niche. The vast majority of switch owners aren’t frequenting gaming sites, aren’t interested in figuring out the digital landscape, etc.

This is partly why we talk about sexual violence being about power, not sex.


I do get what you mean. In the source pic the little girl looks contemplative, when the doll looks sad.

Man these are stunning. Not only is the styling and dress/hair design for the little girls awesome, even the dolls look great.

I was staring at the name and really second guessing myself about whether or not the Dresden files author went by Jim or James lmao

The core issue with Disney+ is that it’s a split market. You basically have Star Wars/Marvel on one side, and then everything else on the other. And while there’s overlap, the actual value proposition for a potential consumer is really polarized to one side or the other.

Yes, Dahl’s estate is still profiting. And if that’s a deal breaker for someone, I’m not going to hold it against them. I can’t say I’ve actively engaged in Roald Dahl’s work at all, but I’ve never really been interested in doing so, so I can’t pretend that I’m standing on principle for that.