
If the tone is immensely different from the intended product, I actually think people would very easily win that lawsuit. Obviously the Shining example is an exaggeration - but it actually is false advertising if they did that.

While I agree you need to look at intent, I think intent also needs to extend further. For instance, is that company still hosting the original trailer on their sites/socials? Then it is now feels like deliberately false advertising, because the company doesn’t want to give up the SEO or monetization from them.

Honestly, at this point, the best thing they could do for the brand is scrap Flash, maybe let Aquaman come out (mostly for an influx of cash, since it’ll probably turn a profit), and then let there be a breath while they approach a rebuild of the DCCU from the ground up.

It seems very, very clear that he was told he is absolutely not going to be playing superman again. Am I reading you incorrectly?

A hard reset for the DC Universe is a wise choice in general.

Yeah, none of the issues with the Superman movies had anything to do with Cavill’s performance. They were just poorly written/directed at the end of the day. 

Agreed. I’m not even a huge Skyrim fan - never finished the main story, or the civil war. Just some of the guilds.

Paint by numbers is still superior to AI art, because the original artist still designed it with a perspective.

Another thing not considered is that many costs now are way down. Digital distribution has massively increased potential revenue for a studio (and that’s even larger when it’s a first party title, and the publishing and distribution are in house).

Just like the others, I came here to say the same thing. I really don’t understand this website’s stance - I know each author is allowed their own opinion, but I just thought that if you cared about developers and the health of the industry, you understand that large games cost much more to create than they ever have,

Various thoughts.

Processing the feeling like we’re living in an ever-worsening dystopia

Yeah, this is the ultimate problem I have. There’s zero nuance used in the “a sequel means selling out” stance.

Now that’s just not fair at all.

Honestly, I do find this a very odd take. I haven’t played Pyre, but I did find Bastion, Transistor, and Hades to all play very differently once adjusted for being in the same general roguelike subgenre?

My favorite thing about when people attack woke reviewers is that it legitimately doesn’t matter.

There’s another massive reason the Captain America comparison is truly terrible.

They might also try a reboot and then use the same actors, selectively, as they want to. Disney is stepping into doing this, too, with some characters as they bring them on from other studios. Some seem to be getting hard resets, others aren’t.

This is a much higher level of surveillance than they are already getting and it’s definitely not worth $2 a month.