
Honestly, I know many adults who will happily wear novelty socks as long as the socks in question don’t suck (as in, both look good and feel good).

But we can be cognizant about how the repercussions may be worse for him on account of his race.

Yeah. I spent $20 on it, had a fun couple months.... and now I think I’m more or less done with it. Because the season turnaround is just way too fast for $10.

I feel like the majority of people who remained did so because they had reasons they couldn’t leave (like visa issues), or because they didn’t have faith they could find new work within 3 months (and those folks are probably still looking anyway) with an economic downturn in tech looming and recent mass layoffs from

Just waiting for people to start being paid in company scrip. 

Which explains why they aren’t doing damage during that time.

I’m just so incredibly jealous you’re having this experience, because mine is just so far away from yours. 

I had someone tell me, with a straight face, that XV was the most feminist FF game because Lunafreya was fundamental to saving the world.

While colorism is a global issue, understandings of race/ethnicity which are fundamentally interlinked to skin tone is something that’s really specific to the US/UK. In other regions, while xenophobia/racism may certainly be based in or interrelated with colorism, there’s usually a lot more specific cultural nuance at


I gotta be honest here, I simply don’t believe you.

This is the thing that legitimately all fan spaces tend to forget - you make up an extreme minority of the market segment for that property. Only a very, very small fraction of people care enough about properties they interact with to actually join communities (either online or in person), and then that small subset

I really like Crimson Cosmos, TVA, Miniaturized Lab, and Space Throne. They switch up how you play, sure, but in a way where they’ve become interesting new strategic tools.

I also usually skip the first “slide,” ha.

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse feels like it deserves a spot on the list to me. 

I think Rocky Horror pretty firmly runs into their “no musicals” rule for the list.

On the one hand, yes. The destruction of the death star isn’t credited to Luke.

The reviews/testimonies I’ve seen are pretty praiseworthy of the film itself. The problem seems to be primarily in the marketing. We’ll see if word of mouth is enough to bring people out. 

My god, I am so happy thats I only just care enough to have my mon’s nature not negatively impact its primary attack stat. This is a whole other level - my condolences to serious battlers.

The ZR thing would be totally fine if the pokemon could fucking keep up with you.