
While I get this, voice to text is now pretty damn good, and is just as doable via virtual assistants as a voice text is. 

From what I understand, the big issue with the film is that it wasn’t meant to have Hemsworth’s Thor in it much at all. He was originally going to be in Guardians 3, but got booted back to Thor when Gunn came back.

I am very envious of everyone who found it equal or better than the first one. I enjoyed it, but noticeably less than the first one. (And I say that acknowledging the first one was a very high bar).

Yeah, the only thing I could figure from that paragraph is that there’s something I’m totally misunderstanding about the battle system. 

Yeah, the whodunnit genre is shockingly shallow in terms of cinema, considering just how prolific it has been in literature.

I totally agree that it’s an incredible amount of work. And I’m not even sure how feasible it would be coding for a PC, let alone a Switch.

It’s INCREDIBLY depressing that this seems to be what people increasingly seem to expect from press outlets nowadays - a single party line that everyone must stick to.

it’s not that it’s anime nonsense, it’s that it’s this super upbeat kids tone that Nintendo has adopted for several games now. Where everything is always incredible/exciting. There’s no texture to how characters interact with you - they’re basically all one note.

I was thinking about this last night, and it’s ultimately a problem with the entire philosophy. Arceus was better, but even that kinda sucked.

Even then, not really. When a game is well optimized and those things happen, then blaming the hardware is reasonable. But the way this game is coded to run is so utterly inefficient and unoptimized that the implications across the board are bad. 

Honestly, I like it way more than the gimmicks of the last several games. I hated how a bunch of the last few gimmicks were just an “I win” button. And Mega Evolution was really frustrating in how it impacted the way you’d value one pokemon over another.

NGL, I even find that chart super hard to read. But it’s still better than pure text. With my ADHD, I don’t have the patience to read the text breakdown.

Ding! Your brother just caught a Tinkatink!

It’s the kind of problem that works against immersion, which is the real problem. The more significant bugs (like when the camera is level with the ground so half the screen is void) don’t actually bug me much, personally.

lmao you’re right, much better to live in your state of delusion about the actual state of the American economy. God forbid people spend anything above the base cost of living. 

They’re “special.” That’s the extent of the appeal. (Besides potentially just really liking the alternative color).

Interesting. I fully believe you, I just don’t remember it at all. Probably because the rest of the experience was good enough for me to not care? It’s also possible I’m just less sensitive to framerate drops than some other users?

I have no memory of having issues with any of those titles at all? So whatever they were, they weren’t enough to persist in my memory.

Except this just isn’t true for most people, not without considerable sacrifice.

As someone who is a big fan of both Marvel, enjoys strategy games, and who genuinely enjoyed playing the Avengers (though acknowledges the negative critiques and gets why people didn’t like it), I have to say.