
I haven’t seen anything on Kotaku which compares to io9 lately. They’ll do show reviews, make the title the major spoiler, with a photo, and then put content below a spoiler warning in the actual body of the post as if they didn’t just give it all away.

Nah, I definitely feel like it’s the latter. The fact that it has the same error as Pokemon suggests the issue is that someone else got the license, to the poin that they don’t even want the Pokemon fan creations on the site. 

The lego model for it truly is fantastic though. 


It’s not policing another country - it’s making commentary about a product sold within your own country. The European and American market for Final Fantasy 15, for instance, were both far, far larger than the Japenese market was. America is 80% larger, Europe is 50% larger

Which for Miles didn’t really matter. There aren’t enough cards that really maximize on move mechanics to make access to him really affect anything.

I mean, it’s what, $130 a year? That IS a lot. Season passes in games have gotten just way, way, way too expensive at this point.

Sometimes they really work. Unfortunately, none of these designs (including the croc) do it for me at all. I had such high hopes for them, because I loved all the original forms, too.

I see enchantress and cosmo in nearly every single deck I go against.

I truly don’t know what image you’re looking at, because it legitimately just looks like a fuecoco in a hat. Like, not even changed - just straight up a fuecoco + hat.

I can’t say I’ve observed this, so I can’t really comment on whether zoo decks are more or less likely to be winning zones before turn 6.

Honestly, even then, it’s only if your opponent is a fool. While Killmonger could be played on turn 3, he should nearly always be held until turn 6. Because then your victory conditions are explicitly clear.

Yeah, and Killmonger’s 3-for-3 power actually has a lot more potential power. It’s not just destroying your enemy’s cards, it’s destroying your own with potential benefits. Nova alone is huge for that, as you’re almost definitely not gonna face a power drop (2 other cards is equivalent to before he was destroyed, 3 is

He’s not available until the very tail end of pool 2, unless someone gets lucky, so there’s a very good reason that he absolutely does NOT exist to ensure that Kazar doesn’t dominate the entire pool 1/2 metagame.

Killmonger definitely needs a nerf. A 3-cost card that disables any chance of an entire deck build concept from working is just too powerful.

Or the teachers who get math more intuitively and therefore have absolutely no clue how to teach it to kids/people who don’t.

I mean, you can only make hyperbole so obvious on the internet, I guess.

Teen Wolf came out over a decade ago at this point and ran for 6 seasons, and is where both Tyler Hoechlin (later Superman) and Dylan O’Brien (Maze Runner trilogy) got their real breaks.

I’ve always been curious about this series, but my one foray into it was Til the End of Time.

It’s weird that discovering this naming convention, just now, as a non fan... makes me want to punch Activision in the face more than anything else has done?