While true, in a manner of speaking, it’s usually used for a more specific kind of quest.
While true, in a manner of speaking, it’s usually used for a more specific kind of quest.
I’d wager it’s them considering how to make watching/streaming a more active engagement. Can we layer video game features onto streaming media.
We average to 1 person killed per day in the US by police chases.
It’s SUBSTANTIALLY easier to de-age grown adults to other stages in their grown adult development. It still has a certain uncanny valley effect, but it’s much, much easier.
I mentioned this is a separate comment, but there was an interesting thing I saw happen with DEH.
It’s much easier to pretend with theater (speaking here of the performing art, not the place). Ben Platt is not 17 anymore, but he also wasn’t 17 when he won a Tony for playing Evan Hansen. It didn’t limit his performance or damage the story then; it was just another (then much smaller) hurdle to jump. Some of the…
McDonald’s was meh. The spicy doesn’t even taste like anything but capscaicin sans pepper flavor, and the regular is boring.
I’ve tried both.
Like, if you’re going to talk about the history of Pineapple farming and distribution in this country, going that far back, then I think you are legitimately obligated to highlight the events that are only 10/20 years earlier, and which are FAR more relevant to the distribution of pineapple throughout the country.
but its popularity exploded in the post-WWI era thanks to improved machinery, increased supply, and affordable pricing.
Yeah. If it was ANY LoZ amiibo, I’d be less annoyed. Still unhappy with it, but at least there are a billion LoZ amiibo.
My take is that they ARE complaining about that, and they’re angry that the council isn’t paying attention to what actually needs doing to get the town on track to better economic stability.
This is my take, too.
I don’t think it’s virtue signaling if the character has been identified with and celebrated as black by black fans of the games.
A huge reality of many single use products is ALSO that they were designed to solve for solutions most people don’t have, because they often originated as accessibility tools.
If I’m short on time, a garlic press can be a godsend. I’m not dextrous enough to chop garlic finely all that fast, and I WILL be serving skin if I try to do it with a microplane.
My read of your post was that you agreed those people should have lost their jobs in the wake of these games, because that’s the comment thread it was added in.
Yeah, but, here’s the thing - there’s a huge leap between the opinions of some fans and what decisions a company seems smart overall.
I’d be honestly surprised if it was a willing choice by their editorial staff, given that the event has played out across multiple sites.