
This is honestly how I’ve felt since very, very early.

Yeah, this is the right response.

I mean, if you didn’t enjoy Shb enough to continue, then the game just probably isn’t for you tbh

Also, “Krogan are killing themselves through inability to adapt” is a legitimately ridiculous argument when the two scenarios we are discussing are:

The thing with dusting is that it’s super easy if you do it regularly, but becomes a huuuuuge pain in the ass if you wait until there are layers of caked on dust.

Except we’re looking at the same margins across consoles.

I want a Remake of Ocarina and Time and Majora’s Mask.

I mean.... not really. Nintendo also sells the Switch at a similar loss to Sony/Microsoft, but let’s even assume they broke even at $300.

My gut feeling is that they high fat content of cream will render the pre-coating relatively pointless? I’d have guessed it would be too soluble in cream to be helpful.

Legitimately no. Profit is revenue that exceeds your net cost. 

They really need to add more crop tops for males. Especially ones without belt-ish nonsense.

I’m not sure I’ve ever felt this seen by a Kotaku article before.

I don’t know why people think Nintendo is selling the switch at a profit. They aren’t.

FWIW, I find that part of this is because XIV is waaaaay less endgame-centric than most other MMOs are.

Nintendo is also selling at a loss. The switch has an estimated cost to manufacture of $257, which doesn’t include all the other costs associated with getting it into market.

She’s not saying the xbox as a business endeavor is itself profit-losing.

The court generally does require any documents that will be referenced to be provided to both parties ahead of time. That’s what Apple’s motion is about.

Man, my partner grew up in a russian household, and he loves kasha. I, on the other hand, can’t stand the smell or taste of buckwheat in basically any form I’ve encountered it.

EVERY time I see them, it makes me sick.

My boyfriend is constantly whining about how many vinegars we have.