That is an ungodly abomination.
That is an ungodly abomination.
Don’t worry, Ash, the story goes up from here.
Wait, they got rid of the encounter rate slider?
I have to be honest that I can’t wrap my head around the disconnect between this instrumentation and the art/play style. It just makes no sense to me.
Yes, thank you. Inquisition is what I meant.
In fairness, the ME3 multiplayer was great. I didn’t like it being tied to GR though.
I will always maintain that FF13 has some of the best character writing in any game, and Sazh is at the top of that list.
I absolutely hated D3 at launch. It wasn’t just the RMT auction house, it was all the other gameplay decisions made to support an RMT auction house.
Yeah. D3 at launch was leagues worse than D2 at its worst.
I can be okay with a company using a hammer instead of the scalpel when the scalpel fails. I mean, ultimately, CDPR would have vastly preferred to cut this off at the source, because this approach takes waaaay more resources.
My mother was a single parent with two kids before she met my father.
What right do you have to assume that the father of her children is even alive?
I have a question...
I’m saying that the analogy doesn’t work because that is literally Apple’s entire argument, in this article, which you are commenting on.
I think what I’m trying to say is that it’s not just a conversation about cities.
Ultimately the “how much is too much” is a question for courts. To my knowledge, there’s no one rule for how much market share is too much market share. There are easy points to point out when you should worry, sure (like, 100% is probably an issue), but those aren’t the full story.
Same. As much as D3 sucked on launch, it really got itself to a phenomenal place on consoles in the end.
I found the magician books hit or miss, though I’m glad I read them. My boyfriend, on the other hand, ranks them among his top favorite books of all time.
The ultimate problem is that this isn’t a great comparison.
I mean, the substantial diversity in the racial references for the characters alone already helps separate it from the HP feel, tbh.