I’ve actually wanted a skyward sword port that got rid of the motion controls for a long time.
I’ve actually wanted a skyward sword port that got rid of the motion controls for a long time.
There will be a dip between level 35 or so and level 50 in the story. Just push through it, because once you get to the story leading up to heavensward it’s consistently excellent.
The core game is a lot of fun. The story is an enjoyable ride, and the gameplay is fun.
They should have based this off of the recent Hawkeye comic run.
Why in the world would the update be twice the size on Xbox??? Does it have a metric fuckton of xbox-specific fixes or something?
2nd place could theoretically makes more.
Yep! If all 3 contestants lose final jeopardy and 2 risked it all, but one of the contestants wagered all but $1, you could definitely win with $1.
Yeah. You see people win a game with $13k and you see people win with $32k.
I’m guessing their goal wasn’t to perfectly tailor it to your sense of what a comfort movie is.
Exactly. A supply chain often involves multiple businesses providing services which are integral in getting the product into the hands of consumers.
Yeah, tbh, I never thought ME was about the ending.
Wow, those before and afters... If you wanted to get rid of Gita this much, you could have just unfollowed her instead of vague-posting this whole article.
Look into Tony’s Chocolonely.
I mean, there are a lot of cases of excessive litigation, but Liebeck v. McDonalds isn’t one of them, imo.
Yesterday my boyfriend actually said to me:
In fairness, I find I have to ramp up the level of all seasonings in recipes I find online.
Because your voicemail requires you to check it, if you missed the notification or have forgotten it was there. Most people don’t check their voicemails throughout the day to be sure there’s something in there.
It’s not really the phone anxiety thing, though plenty of people have that.
I’m a very firm believer that, unless you need immediate information from someone, you should text.
Considering the extreme amount of turnover at Kotaku in the last year or so since the new owner came in... I’m honestly surprised we haven’t seen every one of the old crowd leave.