
I have wanted to watch on it, but then I remember that all it has on hulu, which is by far my least used streaming app.

Yeah, I have never once seen an analog stick mouse situation that didn’t suck. The recent avengers game is also a horrible offender here.

When the variations are each hella awkward because they just chop out part of the beard without adjusting what’s happening with the actual hair style... then yes.

There really, really aren’t many...

Parts of these complaints apply to legitimately every menu. It’s one of the worst menu control systems I’ve seen. EVERY TIME I enter into a skills section, I instinctively try to use a right trigger to move to the next skill tree. And every time it brings me to the freaking journal.

I feel like CDPR is aware that the only thing games media is more interested in paying attention to than news about their fuckups is news about dildos in games.

Their statement VERY INTENTIONALLY reads like this is a sure thing. It’s not “you can try to get a refund for it,” it’s “you can opt to return it if you aren’t willing to give us time to fix things.

I think what’s hard about THIS specific instance is that Cyberpunk is both unusually broken AND CDPR actively covered up all evidence of it, and lied to their consumer base, about it.

When you say you’ve literally set up a unique email to help users who have any issues GETTING the refund from their store? Then yes, it’s super scummy.

I just cannot wrap my head around this.

You’re so incapable of imagining the consumer who doesn’t know about the gap in PC games quality that it’s not worth having this conversation.

If they know how games have historically performed they’d have noticed then how they’ve been getting worse over the last few years, especially when compared to PC.

That might be obvious to you - someone who frequents gaming-specific news sites and clearly pays attention to the performance differentials between PC/consoles.

This is absolutely not what basic knowledge means.

This is what kills me about this argument.

Again, you can only make this claim if you understand what PCs are capable of.

Um... no?

This is the thing. These people bought the product at full price and are getting an inferior product than was promised. They SHOULD seek a refund, rather than wait and hope it gets fixed.

It is NOT REASONABLE to expect the average consumer to understand how their console maps against gaming PCs. A huge part of why consoles exist is specifically to cater to people who cannot or will not navigate the world of interconnected specs/hardware/software of PC gaming.

I have a feeling there were many design decisions here that were afterthoughts.